Administrative units
Managerial units
Administrative Departments
Department of Informatization
International Affairs Department
International Affairs Department is an administrative and management unit of INRTU, which aims to promote the development of international activities and strengthen the reputation of INRTU among the international educational and scientific communities.
The main goal of International Affairs Department is to develop the university's activities in the field of international academic cooperation, export of education and international accreditation of educational programs.
International Office
International Office establishes, develops and supports cooperation with foreign universities, embassies, international organizations.
The International Office Team provides assistance to INRTU students, staff and faculty in participation in student and academic exchanges at partner universities and academic mobility programs abroad; informs students and academic staff about training and internship opportunities for study and research abroad; coordinates the university's activities for inclusion in international rankings; accompanies the international accreditation procedure.
International Admission Office
International Admission Office helps foreign students to enroll at INRTU, consulting about educational programs, admission requirements and deadlines, documents assessment and preparation for entrance exams.
The International Admission Office team organizes annual international olympiads and intellectual competitions which allow potential students to win scholarships and tuition fee discounts.
International Admission Office expands collaboration with student recruitment agencies all over the world and participates in education fairs abroad.
Zandraeva, Daria
+7 902-543-0941
Head of International Admission Office
Kostina, Anastasiya
Leading International Admission Specialist
Center for International Services
Center for International Services provides assistance to international faculty and students concerning visa support and migration process, medical insurance and studying on a commercial basis; examines foreign educational documents for expertise; issues European Diploma Supplement.
Department for International Scientific and Educational Projects
Chechetkina, Larisa
+7 395-240-5322
Councillor to the Vice-Rector for International Affairs
University Management
Anosov, Sergei
+7 395-240-5700
Vice-Rector for Campus and Corporate Management
Schools and Departments
School of Power Engineering
Suslov, Konstantin
+7 395-240-5253
Deputy Director for Foreign Affairs
Pionkevich, Vladimir
+7 952-618-7174
Deputy Director for Foreign Affairs
Department of Power Supply and Electrical Engineering
The Department of Power Supply and Electrical Engineering was organized in 1997 as a result of the merger of two departments - the Department of Power Supply of Industrial Enterprises and the Department of General and Theoretical Electrical Engineering.
The division of the department includes Scientific Research Laboratory "Intelligent Power Supply Systems", Scientific Research Laboratory "High Voltage Engineering", Laboratory "Electrotechnological and Structural Materials Science", Research student design association "ENERGY NET"
Puzina, Elena
Associate Professor
Shushpanov, Ilia
+7 914-004-2812
Acting Head of the Department, Associate Professor
Department of Electrical Drives and Vehicles
Department of Electrical drives and vehicles has been existing since 1964. Currently, the department provides training of students in the field of power and electrical engineering and training of electrical engineers and mining engineers in the field of Electric Machines.
During the period of training, students have the opportunity to implement the knowledge gained during the practice in various companies of the city and region with further possibilityt of employment upon graduation.
Department of Heat Power Engineering
Heat power engineering is a special scope of activity that ensures the strategic and socio-economic development of the regions and the state as a whole. At the same time, heat power engineers make our lives comfortable by providing homes with heat and light. They are required to acquire universal competencies to design, create and maintain the smooth, safe operation of energy production, transformation and distribution systems, taking into account environmental requirements. Since 1971, the Department of Heat Power Engineering at Irkutsk Polytechnic University has been training highly qualified specialists capable of working in various fields of industry. The Department makes a significant contribution to the development of the energy industry and housing and communal services not only in our region. Over 50 years we've trained about 5000 engineers working in Russia, as well as in neighboring and distant foreign countries. Not only successful power engineers, but also top managers of large companies, designers, ecologists, politicians and businessmen are among the graduates of the department.
Petrova, Anastasiia
+7 908-647-2021
Specialist in Educational and Methodological work, Assistant
Department of Physics
The Department of Physics was established in 1930. to train engineering personnel (miners and metallurgists).
Currently, the Department provides training in physics; solid state physics; concepts of modern natural science for all engineering specialties.
The Department trains highly qualified specialists in postgraduate courses on Chemical Technology of fuels and high-energy substances.
The department has a scientific society CARBON, where graduate students, undergraduates, students of different specialties can engage in research, participate in competitions, contests, prepare and defend cases (projects) on request of companies, ready-made projects defend in companies. Students have the opportunity to travel to participate in competitions, conferences, etc. The department annually holds two scientific and practical conferences: Applied Research in Physics; Water and Life.
Department of Electric Power Plants, Networks and Systems
Our Department has been preparing specialists since 1963. Currently it provides training for bachelor's, master's degree and postgraduates.
Highly qualified teaching staff, experienced specialists are engaged for preparing students for design, commissioning, operation, research work and management of electric power stations, electric networks with a voltage of 110 kV and higher. The unique laboratory, practical training at energy enterprises allow students to gain practical skills in the field of electric power engineering.
The curriculum provides internships at the electric power facilities of the region: hydraulic and thermal power plants, substations of electric grid enterprises, design organizations.
Among our graduates there are doctors and candidates of sciences, professors and associate professors, directors of large energy and industrial enterprises. Our graduates built and commissioned the Bratsk and Ust-Ilimskaya hydroelectric power plants, erected a hydroelectric dam on the Aswan Canal in Egypt, participated in the development of the energy policy of Russia, the energy program of Siberia, the Far East and the Irkutsk region.
Department of Energy Systems
The Department of Electric Power Systems provides training for graduates in the Modern Electric Power Engineering program. Program goal is to train professionals capable to provide transition from conventional electric power systems to intelligent electric power systems. Training master students is the second step in joint training of research and pedagogical professionals of INRTU and ISEM SB of RAS: a bachelor; master; tutor-researcher; Candidate of Technical Sciences, Docent; Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Academician of RAS. Students of the Department have an access to sci-tech library of ISEM SB of RAS possessing more than 75 thousand books, and to librarian systems of digital publishing houses: IEEE Xplore, Willey, Elsevier, Springer and to unique computer and laboratory complexes of ISEM SB of RAS.
Department of Thermal Power Engineering Systems
The Department of Thermal Power Engineering Systems was opened in December 2014 on the basis of the L.A. Melentyev Institute of Energy Systems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The department provides training for undergraduates in the program "Mathematical modeling and optimization technical and economic studies of promising and functioning thermal power plants". Leading scientists of the department have extensive experience in research, teaching and practical work, took part in the master's program developing. The program includes traditional and author courses. The implementation of the program is provided with the course material of technical, educational, scientific and methodological support of INRTU and Research Institute. Students of the Department have access to the scientific and technical library of L.A.Melentev Institute of Energy Systems with more than 75 thousand storage units, library systems of electronic publishing houses: IEEE Xplore, Willey, Elsevier, Springer and to unique computer and laboratory complexes.
Department of Energy Systems and Complexes
The Department of the Energy Systems and Complexes has existed since 2012 and is a basic department is in close cooperation with the Science Institute of Energy Systems named after L.A. Melentiev (Siberian Branch of RAS) Currently, the department provides training for masters in Electric Power and Electrical Engineering within the master's program "Forecasting and strategies for the development of power systems and complexes in the region". Undergraduates during their studies have the opportunity to implement their knowledge during intership in the basic organization and companies of various profiles.
School of Aircraft Construction, Mechanical Engineering and Transport
Department of Mechanical Engineering Design and Standardization
The history of the Department of Design and Standardization in Mechanical Engineering goes back to the origins of the Irkutsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute in 1930, when the Engineering department of Technical Mechanics was organized.
The highly qualified teaching staff of the department has great scientific potential and experience in both practical and teaching activities. The scientific school on Dynamics and Motion Control of Machines Based on the Elasticity of the Elements was established in the department.
Classes are held in three labs equipped with modern training and scientific equipment: Mechanism Theory Lab, Technical Measurement Lab, Machine Parts and Applied Mechanics Lab.
The department holds intramural competitions on the theory of mechanisms and machines, metrology, standardization and certification, machine parts and applied mechanics.
Department of Road Construction Machines and Hydraulic Systems
The 1960s are characterized by rapid growth of all branches of industry and construction. The giants of domestic chemical, mining, timber processing and energy industries are being constructed in the East Siberian region. To provide the mentioned volume of constructions with highly skilled personnel by the order of the Minister of higher and specialized secondary education of RSFSR in the Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute there was organized a chair of automobile transport and road-building machines. The first intake of students was in 1961. The post of the head of the department was given to the candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Y.A.Soshnikov, who was elected to this post by the institute council on the 28th of June 1963.
The Department of Road Construction Machines and Hydraulic Systems has been training specialists since 1965. At the present time the department provides undergraduate and post graduate educational programs in Land and Industrial Vehicles
The mission of the department is to provide high-quality engineering education that meets the modern requirements of the real sector of the Russian economy, based on the integration of educational, scientific, industrial and innovative processes.
Department of Road Transport
The Department of Road Transport is the leading and one of the oldest departments of the Irkutsk National Research Technical University. The first students "wave" on major Automobiles and vehicle industry was made in 1961. Our department trains bachelors, masters, as well as candidates and doctors of Sciences in transport area. During the study period students have the opportunity to implement their knowledge during practice at leading motor transport enterprises, branded car centers, as well as in organizations of the city and region with a further employment prospect after graduation. Department graduates are in high demand. They work at motor transport enterprises, branded car centers and service stations, in traffic police structures and transport departments of municipal administrations, create their own business. Graduates ,who have chosen the science path, have the opportunity to study in postgraduate and doctoral studies of the department. There are modern research laboratories for them.
Department of Aircraft Engineering and Operation of Aviation Equipment
Since 1963 the Department of Aircraft Engineering and Operation of Aviation Equipment has been teaching students majoring in Technical Operation of Aircraft and Engines and Aircraft and Helicopter Engineering.
Students of the Department have their practical training at the leading aviation enterprises of the Russian Federation: airlines companies, aircraft factories, design bureaus, airports, where they work with the latest models of aviation technology.
While studying students are also involved in research and design activities. Together with the teaching staff our students address urgent and challenging issues of modern aviation industry, participate in scientific conferences and engineering competitions. INRTU put efforts to provide the most comfortable conditions in the labs and leisure areas for students to develop their communication skills and fulfil their potential in engineering and creativity. All this allows them to develop perspective thinking skills, consolidate knowledge and abilities, strengthen skills, and in whole to prepare skilled professionals. Students who have shown interest in research activities can continue their studies in full-time or part-time graduate programs at the university.
Department of Technology and Equipment for Machine-Building Production
The Department of Technology and Equipment of Machine-Building Production was organized in December 2015 through the merger of two departments: "Technology of Mechanical Engineering" and "Equipment and Automation of Mechanical Engineering". The department trains specialists in labor-intensive and knowledge-intensive specialties related to automation of production, with complex equipment of machine-building industries, its instrumentation, modern production technologies.
Department of Engineering and Computer Graphics
A major role in the training of bachelors and specialists plays graphic education, which is acquired by studying descriptive geometry, engineering and computer graphics.
The department has a set of programs in Engineering Design, Engineering Economics and Engineering Arts.
A high level of educational and methodical support and the qualification of the teaching staff allows the department to provide training for teachers of higher, secondary and vocational schools of the region.
In 2020 the teachers of the department participate in organizing and conducting university championship on the WorldSkills standards on in the competence 05 - Engineering Design CAD.
Since 2021 the department has been implementing the program of additional professional education in the field of Engineering Construction.
Perelygina, Aleksandra
+7 395-240-5373
Head of the Department, Associate Professor
Pavlikova, Svetlana
+7 950-119-9639
Associate Professor, Teaching and Learning Specialist
Department of Materials Science, Welding and Additive Technology
The Department of Materials Science, Welding and Additive Technology was established in 2001 by merging the Department of Welding Production and the Department of Material Science and Metal Technology and took its current name in 2021.
While studying students can put their gained knowledge into practice during their internship at different companies of Irkutsk, Eastern Siberia and the Far East with the further prospect of employment in Russia.
School of Subsurface Resource Management
Department of Industrial Ecology and Life Safety
Department of Industrial Ecology and Life Safety is one of the oldest departments of the University. In December 2019, the department turned 70 years old.
The department conducts educational and organizational work. All-Russian student conferences on Life Safety Issues have been held on the basis of the department for 20 years. For over 20 years the department has been holding All-Russian Olympiad on ecology and life safety.
During the period of study students undergo practical training at the most famous enterprises of the region and receive invitations to work based on its results
Department of Mine Surveying and Geodesy
More than 1700 highly qualified mine surveyors and 700 geodesists have graduated from the University for 70 years of the Department training and educational work. Many of our specialists have been taking part in the development of mineral reserve base and natural resources of the country. Department established and strengthen the business ties with major mining companies from Russia, China, Mongolia. Students of the Department can take up an exchange semester in these countries. Future engineers undertake on-the-job training at the best mining enterprises in Russia. The students can also participate in the research association "Alidade", where they get advanced knowledge of the up-to-date instruments and software in the sphere of mine surveying and geodesy. They also managed to move faster on the "career ladder".
Department of Mining Machines and Electromechanical Systems
The Department of Mining Machines and Electromechanical Systems traces its history back to 1932, when the Department of "Mining Mechanics" of the Irkutsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute was established. The Department has in its structure 3 lecture halls, 6 educational laboratories, educational and research laboratory for reliability management of electromechanical equipment, educational and research laboratory for modeling and analysis of electromechanical systems in the mining industry.
Khramovskikh, Vitalii
+7 964-351-2287
Deputy Head of the Department, Associate Professor
Department of Mineral Deposits Development
Since 1931 the Department of Mineral Deposits Development has been providing training of mining engineers mainly for the gold and coal mining industry of the region.
Our graduates are in demand in the russian industry. For a long period we have been handing vouchers for the future life over 7 thousand graduates, preparing them for engineering activities to develop the wealth of our country.
Currently, the department of Mineral Deposits Development is successfully implementing the projects in all the main areas of the University's activities. Considerable efforts are made to improve the educational process. Many basic disciplines are constantly processed taking into account changes in the mineral resource base and the competitive environment of subsoil users, as well as the increased role of information technologies in the educational process.
Department of Jewelry Design and Technology
The Department of Jewelry Design and Technology was opened in 1995. Currently, the department is actively developing industrial cooperation with leading Russian enterprises engaged in the extraction, sorting and processing of gemstone raw materials and the production of jewelry.
The laboratories of the department are equipped with modern equipment for processing jewelry materials, allowing students to acquire the necessary professional skills. Much attention at the department is paid to the development of design thinking in making jewelry and stone-cutting products, as well as the skills of evaluating and identifying ornamental, jewelry and precious materials and analyzing their design suitability.
During their studies, students actively participate in international exhibitions, competitions and conferences, allowing them to understand the general context of the jewelry industry, update their knowledge and understand the trends of modern science.
Vorontsova, Natalia
+7 950-081-6987
Senior Teacher, Head of the Training Laboratory
Department of Oil and Gas Engineering
Department of Oil and Gas Engineering was officially opened on May 14, 2007. It has become the youngest department of the School of Subsurface Resource Management. Highly qualified teaching staff and urgent need of production organizations for oil and gas industry graduates allowed the department to successfully develop as an independent structural subdivision. In addition, a modern Drill Fluid and Well Casing Lab was created on the basis of the Department. The lab is designed for lectures, practical and laboratory classes, as well as for practical training of first-year students.
The INRTU Oil and Gas Training Center for training was established for retraining and advanced training of oil and gas industry specialists. It has become a modern technical base for training and practical coaching of oil and gas enterprises of the East-Siberian region.
Today, the Department of Oil and Gas is the only department in Eastern Siberia that trains specialists of undergraduate programs in Deep Drilling for the Oil and Gas Production Industry.
The founder and permanent head of the department, scientific supervisor and director of the Drill Fluid and Well Casing Lab is Nikolay Buglov, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.
Department of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection named after S.B. Leonov
The Department of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection named after S. B. Leonov has started with the section Enrichment of Minerals. It was created on the basis of the Department of Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals at the Siberian Mining Institute in 1934. The training of mining engineers-technologists for mineral processing was caused by the demand for highly qualified personnel for the rapidly developing mining and processing industry of the region. By this time, there was a great need for personnel in Eastern and Western (Norilsk region) Siberia, Transbaikalia, the Far East and Yakutia, as a result of the development of deposits of various minerals. The first graduation of mineral engineers was in 1939.
Currently, the Department of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection named after S. B. Leonov provides training for students on Hazardous Waste Management, Theory and Methods of Environmental Impact assessment, Mineral processing, etc.
Baikal School of BRICS
Fetisova, Svetlana
+7 952-620-9691
Director of the Language Testing Center
Department of Russian Language Linguo-Didactics
Language lies at the heart of human identity and plays a vital role in our interactions. If you're planning to pursue higher education in Russia but don't speak Russian or need to improve your language skills, we invite you to enroll in our preparatory course at the Department of Russian Language Linguo-Didactics.
The Preparatory Faculty is designed for international students and stateless individuals, offering comprehensive training in the Russian language and specialized subjects. Our program prepares students for higher education at Irkutsk National Research Technical University or other Russian institutions.
The Preparatory Faculty provides year-round language and subject training for foreign citizens who wish to receive higher education in Russia, offering a unique opportunity to learn Russian from scratch and up to any required level (from A1 to B2). Upon completion of the basic course, the student will receive a certificate confirming knowledge of the Russian language and general education disciplines at the level required for admission to Russian universities.
Department of Humanities
To make our future humane and livable, we need knowledge and values that will guide and sustain us on the days of advance and impetuous changes.
Founded in 2020, Department of Humanities is designed to empower our students to succeed in multicultural diversity of their professions and to meet the challenges of globalised knowledge by gaining communication skills, critical thinking, creativity, cultural perspectives, and fluent language abilities. These capacities are hard-won, but vital for innovation and career advancement whatever one's major field is. They are the soft skills of power and success, as they open windows onto a lifetime of personal and professional growth.
School of Architecture, Construction and Design
School of Architecture, Construction and Design is a leading institution in Siberia and the Far East for architectural and construction education. It offers continuous education programs across all forms and levels of study. The university's researchers and specialists conduct research, development, design, and expert evaluations in all areas of architecture, engineering, and housing and utilities.
Department of Monumental and Decorative Painting and Design named after V.G. Smagin
Our department appeared in 2017. Nowadays it provides train-ing for students in Design and Monumental and Decorative Art (painting). Design students study General Theory, Basics of Design and practical skills of both principles of artistic creativity and specific types: environmental design (interiors, small architectural forms), graphic design and costume design.
Students of our department learn to work with various types and techniques of monumental and decorative painting: mosaics of different types, stained glass, graffiti, tapestry, master a new technique of fusing. Graduates of the department are subsequently able to work both in large forms (decoration of building facades) and in interiors.
Department of Construction Operations
For many years the Department of Construction Operations has been tеaching students such courses as Modern Building Materials, Products and Structures, including effective binders and concretes; reinforced concrete, metal, wooden structures of buildings and structures, volume-planning and structural solutions of capital construction etc. Serious attention is paid to the development of electronic resources - the development of calculation and graphic programs for the design of buildings and structures. The Project Activity Course allows students to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities in solving engineering and technical problems. The department works closely with the leading enterprises of the construction complex. The results of theoretical training are reinforced by passing training and practical internships. Thesis presentation are presented in project documentation for real capital construction projects, both traditional and unique, taking into account natural and climatic, engineering and geological, seismic conditions of the construction site. There is a real need for graduates at the enterprises of the construction complex of the region, that is why they are always in demand on the labor market.
Uvarovskaia, Tamara
+7 395-240-5138
Teaching and Learning Specialist
Department of Mechanics and Strength of Materials
The courses taught by our department are the basis of general engineering training of specialists for construction industry, subsoil use, aircraft engineering and transport. Highly qualified professors and lecturers work at the department. Students of Bachelor's, Specialist's and Master's degree levels take courses connected with the laws of interaction of elements of mechanical systems, strength calculations of rod and plate structures for static and dynamic effects in linear and nonlinear formulation. and the basics of numerical methods for studying stress-strain state of structures. In the learning process are widely used software systems of engineering analysis. Laboratory classes are held with the use of modern testing equipment. Every year the department organizes student competitions. Master graduates of the department are widely demanded in companies, where information technologies are implemented in design and building constructions. Two postgraduate programs are opened to train academic staff. Let us mention high publication and scientific activity of the teachers at the department, as well as their participation in cultural and sport events at the university.
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The history of the Department began in 2011 as a result of the merger of the Department of "Water Supply, Sanitation, Protection and Rational use of Water resources" and the Department of "Heat Supply, Ventilation and protection of the air basin". In 2022, the major "Design, construction and operation of oil and gas pipelines and oil and gas storage facilities" was opened. Graduates of the Department work in scientific, educational and design institutes, in organizations for the installation, commissioning and operation of heat and gas supply systems, ventilation and heating of residential and industrial buildings as well as the water utilities of the Irkutsk region cities, design and construction organizations of various directions, enterprises of Eastern Siberia, Buryatia, the Republic of Sakha Yakutia, Transbaikalia. Master's and postgraduate programs are open by the teaching staff of the Department.
Department of Road Networks
Department of Road Networks was organized in 1973. For almost 50 years, more than 2800 engineers have been studying there. All scientific researches of the department are connected with the problems of transport infrastructure of the Irkutsk region.
Putsenko, Kseniya
+7 395-240-5139
Teaching and Learning Specialist, Assistant
Department of Urban Planning and Municipal Engineering
Department of Urban Construction and Economy has been training specialists since March 1992. At the present time the department provides undergraduate and post graduate educational programs on construction.
Within the study period students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills gained and undergo internships in various companies of Irkutsk city and region with further prospect to be employed upon graduation.
Department of Valuation and Property Management
The Department of Valuation and Property Management has been carrying out educational work since 2003. It trains specialists in such significant majors for Bachelor and Master degrees as Construction, Land Management and Cadastre, Economics.
The department provides an opportunity for students to take up various internships at the enterprises of the construction industry and in companies engaged in real estate valuation and real estate management.
Department of Architecture and Urban Planning
The Department was founded in 1973 as a general educational department of architecture. The Department was renamed several times.
In 1984-2003 it was called Department of Constructions of Buildings and Structures (head of the department was V.I. Otroshchenko, candidate of technical sciences). It specialized in training architects in "Constructions of civil and industrial buildings" and "Architectural physics", and civil engineers in "History of Architecture" and "Basics of architectural constructions of buildings and structures".
In 2003, the Department gets a new vector of development and is renamed to the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning headed by Professor Andrey G. Bolshakov. Since 2009, the team of the department begins training masters majoring in Urban Planning, in 2014 - the first enrolment of bachelors of the same major.
Since 2013 and up to now the head of the Department is Evgeniia Puliaevskaia, candidate of architecture, Associate Professor. Currently, the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning has the status of the graduating department of majors 07.03.04 Urbanistics, and 07.04.04 Urbanistics, Bachelor's program on Urban Planning (Supervisor is D.V. Bobryshev) and Master's program on Planning of Urban Landscapes (Supervisor is E.V. Puliaevskaya), while maintaining specialization in disciplines of the architectural and construction majors.
Department of Architectural Design
Since 1977 our graduates have an opportunity to gain unique qualities in architectural design: ability to combine rational and spiritual, engineering calculation and intuition, scientific knowledge and creative insight.
Graduates-architects master the research skills and design of buildings, structures etc. They participate in the creation of master plans of cities and towns, reconstruction of historical buildings. The range of employment opportunities is wide: management and administration in the architectural and design industry at any level etc.
Graduates-designers solve the tasks of forming an architectural and design environment in a natural complex, in a city, indoors. The professional activity of a designer is wide: graphic, computer, industrial, landscape design. Emloyment prospects extend to government organizations and private firms. Graduates can work as artists, decorators, outdoor advertising designers, consulting designers, educators and occupy managing postions.
Teaching staff of the department is a team of professionals with a great teaching, scientific and design experience: doctors and candidates of sciences, professors, associate professors, members of the Union of Architects, Designers and Artists of the Russian Federation, practicing architects.
International Baikal Winter University of Urban Planning Design
It is the only international annual workshop on urbanistics and a unique educational project platform in Russia. Its program is an original model of training young specialists of various specialties related to urban development, based on the long-term experience of Les Ateliers internationaux de ma?trise d'oeuvre urbaine de Cergy Pontoise - International Urban Planning Workshops of Cergy-Pontoise (France).
BIM Center
The BIM Competence Center was established on September 9, 2021 as part of the Institute of Architecture, Construction and Design.
The objectives of the BIM Competence Center:
- Development of interest in design and construction organizations in BIM technology and attraction of these organizations to cooperation with Irkutsk National Research Technical University through the organization and holding of master classes, conferences and other events on a paid and free basis;
- Involvement of students in scientific research, as well as development of their professional competencies, as well as development of their professional competencies.
The center provides the following services:
- Training in BIM management, organization of implementation of specialized programs, creation of technical specifications for digital information models, creation of plans for the implementation of projects using information modeling technologies;
- Training in automated design systems: Renga, NanoCAD, ModelCS, CADlib, LIRA, SCAD, etc;
- Outsourcing services and consulting support;
- Creation of digital information models;
- Expertise of digital information models.
Department of Fundamentals of Architectural Design
The Department Fundamentals of Architectural Design appeared as a result of the connecting the Department of Drawing, Painting, Sculpture and the Department of History of Architecture and Fundamentals of Design in 2017. Teaching staff of the department train students on study majors "Architecture", "Design of the architectural environment", "Urban Planning". The methodological and scientific orientation of the department is the basis for training specialists in restoration and reconstruction of architectural heritage. The department educators carry out research activities in architectural and urban planning heritage of the peoples of Eastern Siberia and adjacent territories, hereby involving the students in real research and design.
School of Economics, Management and Law
Department of Advertising and Journalism
Since 1993, the Department of Advertising and Journalism has been teaching
undergraduate students majoring in Journalism and Advertising and Public Relations.
The department faculty are engaged in doing research work, working on textbooks and teaching materials, writing scientific articles on philology and journalism, advertising and public relations.
Students of the department, under the guidance of teachers, participate in film festivals such as Baikal Press, Zolotaya Zapyataya, Human and Nature Baikal International Film Festival, Baikal Pitching of Debutants, Baikal Regional Film Festival, as well as in various all-Russian and international competitions on journalism and social advertising.
Department of History and Philosophy
The Department was founded in 1957 and has its current name since 2010. It provides a huge variety of courses referring to historical base of knowledge, including Political Science and Legal logic.
The Department prepares professionals of bachelor, master and postgraduate degrees. Full program development prepares the students for the following activities: solving professional tasks in educational institutions of higher education, academic institutions and other research institutions, in archives and museums, in different cultural institutions, in expert-analytical centers, public and state organizations of informational and analytical profile.
Currently the Department has 21 qualified educators, including 4 Doctors of History, 1 doctor of Philosophy, 12 PhD in History and 4 PhD in Philosophy.
Novikov, Pavel
+7 395-240-5186
Head of the Department, Senior Researcher
Korchevina, Larisa
+7 395-240-5186
Associate Professor, Senior Researcher
Kaigorodova, Natalia
+7 395-240-5186
Associate Professor, Senior Researcher
Goroshchenova, Olga
+93 952-405-186
Associate Professor, Senior Researcher
Sokolovskaia, Tatiana
+7 395-240-5186
Associate Professor, Senior Researcher
Department of Management
The history of creation and development of the department dates back to 1937. Currently, the Department of Management offers study programs on Economics, Production Organization and Management, Economics and Management of Engineering Production, Technical and Economic Analysis of Innovation, Economics and Industry Organization, Economics and Management of Energy Enterprise, etc.
Bachelor Programs:Management (Project Management, Production Management); Economics (Economics and National Economy Management focusing on separate branches and areas such as Economy, Business Management, Industry management, Complex Management).
While studying, students can implement their knowledge during internships at various companies in the city and region with a further possibility of employment upon graduation.
Department of Law Theory, Constitutional and Administrative Law
The Department of the Theory of Law, the Constitutional and Administrative Law is responsible for such majors as Criminal Law, Civil Law and Legal Protection of National Security. The postgraduate students study Constitutional Law; Constitutional Judicial Process; Municipal Law as well as Theory and History of Law and State.
Egorova, Iuliia
Associate Professor
Department of Law
Currently, the Department of Law prepares students for getting a bachelor degree in law, incluiding criminal law, civil law as well as postgraduate students for getting a degree in Public law (state law) sciences for 3 years. In particular, academic staff of the department have prepared a draft of the Federal law giving universities the opportunity to enter already existing business entities. The bill was accepted and signed by the President of the Russian Federation (№399 of the Federal Law).
Department of Economics and Digital Business Technology
The Department of Economics and Digital Business Technology was founded in 2017.
While studying the students have an opportunity to implement their knowledge during practice in various city companies with further employment prospects after graduation.
The department implements a Grant from the Scientific Council of INRTU, young researchers also take a direct part in it - they offer ideas for software products, conduct economic and sociological research.
Major in Economics is one of the most popular areas of higher education, which is also present in our University.
Graduates of our department gain professional skills and knowledge that let them competently deal with the financial affairs of companies and corporations, plan the development of firms, keep records, monitor the financial flows of organizations, build the economic policy of companies, regions and the state as a whole etc.
Another side of this work is economic development issues concerning Digital Business Technology.
A team of professional teaching staff will help and transfer valuable knowledge that will definitely be useful in graduates' everyday work in the future.
Zakharov, Sergei
+7 950-061-7096
Associate Professor, Deputy Director for Foreign Affairs
Department of Sociology and Psychology
The Department of Sociology and Psychology is involved in training specialists in technical, economic and legal fields, as well as in training programs for specialists, masters and PhD students. The teaching staff of the Department consists of highly professional specialists with academic degrees and titles. All teachers are at the same time practicing sociologists and psychologists.
The department is responsible for educating postgraduate students majoring in Social Structure, Social Institutions and Processes
School of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication
Department of Foreign Languages № 1
The department offers a Foreign language training course for undergraduate and graduate students of the School of Architecture, Construction and Design, the School of Information Technology and Data Science, and the School of Subsoil Management. Students have the opportunity to complete the Interpreter in Professional Communication professional retraining program, as well as the Foreign Language for Engineers program.
Department of Foreign Languages № 2
The Department of foreign languages provides language training for students of all INRTU schools and majors in English, German, and French, as a course "Foreign language" belongs to the basic module of the educational program. The main purpose of our professional teaching staff is to give practical command of everyday speech and the language of the specialty for the active use of a foreign language, both in everyday and professional communication.
Priority tasks for our professionals are the following:
- improving the quality of Foreign-language training of future specialists;
- Development of the scientific potential of the teaching staff;
- Expansion of the area of interdisciplinary scientific and educational research;
- Improving the academic reputation of INRTU teaching staff.
The main direction of the educational and methodological activity of the department is focused on improving the quality of education in order to ensure the competitiveness of graduates in the labor market, solving their communicative, professional and scientific tasks in the context of international integration and cooperation with foreign countries.
School of High Technologies
Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology named after V.V. Tuturina
The Department of Chemistry and Food Technology named after Prof. V.V. Tuturina has been successfully implementing its educational activity since 1930. For many decades the Department has produced thousands of specialists in the sphere of food production, pharmaceutical, nanotechnology, cosmetology and environmental engineering and biotechnology.
While studying period students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge into practice in various companies in the Irkutsk region with further employment prospects.
After graduation, young professionals are in demand at public and private enterprises, can easily adapt to work in any food production or biotechnology.
Department of Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals
The Department of Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals is the oldest and most respected department of the School of High Technologies in INRTU. The opening of the department coincided with the rapid development of the gold mining industry in Siberia and Transbaikalia in the pre-war years. In general, for more than 90 years of history, the Department of Metallurgy of Non-ferrous Metals has had a significant impact on the development and improvement of the production of light, precious and rare metals and silicon in Siberia, Transbaikalia, the Far North and the Far East. Currently, the Department provides training for students in Metallurgy (bachelor's degree - full-time, part-time, master's degree - full-time). During the training period students have the opportunity to implement their knowledge during the practice at industrial enterprises and research organizations in Irkutsk and Chelyabinsk regions, the Far East, Khabarovsk and Krasnoyarsk Territories, the Kola Peninsula, etc. with a further prospect of employment after graduation
Department of Radioelectronics and Telecommunication Systems
Our department has its current name since 2011, when the students' admission for bachelor's degree on the program "Radio Engineering" and "Infocommunication technologies and communication systems" began. In 2017, in connection with the creation of the Institute of High Technologies, the department was introduced into its structure and continued implementing bachelor's and master's degree programs.
The department backgrounds are the study of the radio waves propagation, creation of modern automated measuring systems, study of cosmic rays, study of the relationship of electromagnetic fields with seismicity, study of promising types of modulation of radio signals, geo- and hydroacoustics.
Students are trained at the department by highly qualified teachers, including 4 doctors of sciences, 12 candidates of sciences, 4 corresponding members of branch academies.
Leonova, Natalia
Associate Professor
Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology Research Lab
Our laboratory is engaged in composition research of vegetable raw materials and products of its processing, the quality and safety of food products.
Uniqueness of the laboratory is in the use of
the laboratory equipment that allows us to solve the most modern tasks in complex research of the composition and properties of components of plant raw materials and products of their chemical and biochemical processing. It includes the following: gas chromatograph
; spectrophotometer Value UV-visible system
; equipment for electrochemical research; portable system for studying gas exchange; microtome for freezing; rotary evaporator; fermenter etc.
Department of Automation and Control
Department of Automation and Control has been training specialists at University since 1961. Nowadays the Department successfully conducts professional training of bachelors, masters and PHD students. The Department itself consists of 3 sections: automation of production processes, innovation;
quality management.
In a training period, our students have the opportunity to consolidate their knowledge during the internship in various leading companies in Eastern Siberia and the Far East, with further employment prospects after graduation. Among them:
Sayanskkhimplast, RUSAL, ANKhK, Angarsk Oil Refinery, Maslozhirkombinat, Gazpromdobyc
Department of Chemical Technology named after N.I. Yaropolov
Our Department was established in 1964 on the initiative of Nikolai Yaropolov, a major specialist, founder of the chemical industry in Eastern Siberia, the first director of the Angarsk Petrochemical Company.
Priorities of the Department and its main basis for ongoing development program are the unity of scientific and educational processes, strengthening ties with industrial enterprises of the region, attracting additional intellectual and financial investments, ensuring high demand and competitiveness of our graduates in the modern labor market for the development of the petrochemical sector of Russia.
Institute of Quantum Physics
nstitute of Quantum Physics was established in 2019 at Irkutsk National Research Technical University as a universal platform for advanced research in the field of quantum physics, combining the knowledge and experience of researchers working in leading Russian and foreign scientific institutions.
We devote our efforts to original research in the field of quantum physics oriented on solving of applied problems in astrophysics, atmospheric physics, gas dynamics, molecular physics, etc.
The institute workflow is based on the principle of distributed partnership: experts in quantum physics and related fields of science can join the institute’s residents to participate in joint solving of research problems.
School of Information Technology and Data Science
Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
Currently it is a part of the Institute of Information Technology and Data Analysis. Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science was established in 2020 on the basis of Department of Mathematics and Department of Computer Science.
The Department of Mathematics was established in 1930 simultaneously with the formation of the Siberian Mining Institute. It provided teaching a cycle of mathematical disciplines in accordance with the federal state standard in the directions of training bachelors, specialists and masters implemented in INRTU.
The Department of Computer Science was established in 1998. In 2009 it was joined by the Department of Information Technology. The first head of the department of Informatics was Prof. Valeriy Lomtadze, PhD. The head of mathematical and natural science disciplines, Professor Vladimir Voronov took an active part in the establishment of the department.
The department developed the original system of computer ranking in higher mathematics and implemented it in the educational process, as well as computer input control of mathematics skills for first year students.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Lab
The Educational and Scientific Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning was established in October 2019 as a structural unit of the School of Information Technologies and Data Analysis. The creation of the Laboratory was initiated by the intensive development of artificial intelligence technologies and their high efficiency for real business tasks. This has led to an increased demand for specialists in the labor market.
The purpose of the Laboratory: the development of artificial intelligence technologies and their use in the educational process, research and applied activities of IRNITU.
The priority areas for the development of the Laboratory are: Development and implementation of educational programs in Artificial IntelligenceI (AI); conducting scientific research in the field of AI;
Software Engineering Center
The Center was established in 2020 with the aim to concentrate employees with competencies in the development and integration of software systems within one unit. The main activity of the center is to provide the training process for IT-specialists of different orientation by teachers in the following competencies: systems analysis, mobile and web development, web analytics, UX-design, data engineering, data science, quality assurance, corporate systems implementation, IT-project management. In addition to educational activities, the center's employees also conduct research and perform applied projects for external and internal customers, involving INRTU students as co-executives.
Information Security Competence Center
Information Security Competence Center trains highly qualified specialists in the field of icybersecurity, functional security of CII facilities, and design of cyber-physical information security systems.
The center has modern lecture halls and classrooms, computer classes, laboratories with equipment from leading producers: IBM, Positive Technologies, Infotecs, Samsung and others. The Center has a computing cluster that allows students to virtualize educational environments, as well as all the resources for students to conduct complex resource-intensive calculations and experiments in information security.
Students have the opportunity to participate in team and individual competitions in the CTF discipline and other student competitions in information security.
Laboratory of Network Systems and IT Infrastructure
Laboratory of Network Systems and IT Infrastructure has been functioning since September 2022. As a structural unit of the School of Information Technology and Data Science, the laboratory has several directions of activity: educational - the implementation of the learning process on ongoing educational programs at a new technological level, which provides improving the quality of training, retraining and advanced training of students by implementation of the latest training and research equipment, programme-technical tools; research direction - development of research programs of the laboratory and the implementation of the results when implementing research and development, study programs of the School of Information Technology and Data Science as well as INRTU end-to-end technologies.
Siberian School of Geosciences
Khristova, Svetlana
+7 902-519-0690
Assistant Director of Marketing and Project Training Department
Khristova, Svetlana
+7 902-519-0690
Head of the Department of Internal and External Communications
Darkhanova, Vera
+7 950-004-4757
Deputy head of the Department of Internal and External Communications
Department of Exploration Drilling
The department develops and implements new drilling technologies. The main direction is to develop new technologies of mobile core drilling. Original lightweight modular or self-propelled drilling rigs are being put into practice; technologies for improving eco-friendliness of operations are being developed. The proposed set of technologies makes it possible to abandon traditional heavy drilling rigs, logging, site preparation by bulldozers, and other costly and environment-damaging activities, while the cost per meter of drilling and productivity of works are similar to the classical approach.
Department of Geoecology
The department was founded in December, 2021. The department conducts research and manufacturing work studying the geoecological condition of environmental objects of natural and natural-technogenic areas.
The Department has been actively using and improving express methods of environmental objects assessing, modern geoinformation technologies, new geophysical and chemical methods.
Within the framework of initiative research work in the Baikal natural area over the past two years the object of accumulated environmental damage with the waste of hazard level II has been revealed and studied, new science data about background parameters of the environment in the Baikal area and in the territory of Arctic advanced development has been obtained, the quality of the Irkutsk region environment has been described.
Department of Geoinformatics
The Department implements production and scientific works by orders of foreign and Russian geological companies, carries out research, and it is involved in training of students. The geography of research covers the territories of Russia and the CIS.
Since 2020, work has been carried out all over Russia: from the Kola Peninsula to Kamchatka and from the foothills of the Putoran Plateau to the shores of Lake Baikal and the southern border of Russia.
Within the research the department implements development of software algorithms, processing and analysis of geodata, development of software and hardware systems for geophysical, environmental, geomorphological and topographic research. One of the distinctive features of the department is the development and implementation of unmanned systems for geophysical and optical research. Currently, the department performs complex research of technical and geological objects using UAVs - magnetic surveying, radiometry, spectrometry, electrical surveying, photogrammetry and lidar surveying. Based on the results of the work performed, a geoinformation database is formed to evaluate the prospects of the area; reporting geological and geophysical documentation is prepared.
A special attention is paid to the search for concealed deposits and ore occurrences.
In the field of student training, a series of specialized training courses in geoinformation, geophysical and IT disciplines were implemented. The Department of Geoinformatics actively attracts students from INRTU and Russian universities for research and production works.
At present the department provides training in open universal GIS, unmanned systems for geological exploration, application of geostatistics and artificial intelligence methods in the tasks of resource prospectivity forecasting on regional and local scales.
Among the latest works should be mentioned the unmanned aerial vehicle development for integrated magnetic and gamma survey, which provides greater productivity than multicopters; software systems for automatic formation of flight tasks and processing of the obtained geological and geophysical information; geoinformation technology for forecasting risks of hazardous processes such as mudflows, landslides, and rock falls.
Department of Geophysics
The Department of Geophysics continues the traditions of the department formed at the Geological Faculty of Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute in 1953. The Department trains specialists majoring in geophysical methods of mineral prospecting.
The Department research and development activities are aimed to improve geological adequacy (uniqueness) of quantitative interpretation of geophysical exploration data, This is achieved by developing the areas of direct and inverse physical-and-geological modeling in 2D, 3D and 4D models, based on the real physical properties of rocks obtained from well logging data and in the process of laboratory study of geological samples and cores; development of hardware and software base of geophysical research in the directions of electromagnetic sounding in time and frequency areas, magnetic surveying, and nuclear geophysics.
Department of Ore Geology
The main research direction of the Department of Ore Geology is the development and substantiation of genetic models of the formation of gold deposits with access to digital search models of gold ore objects of the Southern outskirts of the Siberian Platform. The Department of Ore Geology implements complex projects for prospecting polymetal deposits. Students of geological specialties take part in all the work carried out by the Department of Ore Geology, consolidating in practice the knowledge gained in the field of methods of prospecting for mineral deposits, studying rocks and ores, processing the results of analytical studies and identifying promising territories.
Separate Divisions
EUROSIBENERGO - INRTU Corporate Research Training Center
Corporate Research Training Center Eurosibenergo was opened in 2008. The training system at the Centre assumes that students receive additional theoretical knowledge and practical skills, which reduces the period of adaptation of a young specialist in production.
Training sessions for students and listeners of advanced training courses are conducted by highly qualified INRTU teaching staff and specialists of the the EuroSibEnergo enterprises and other energy enterprises of the Irkutsk region.