

Candidate of Sciences (PhD), Technical Sciences


Education, degrees
Heating, gas supply and ventilation, Irkutsk State Technical University
Continuing education
Translator in the field of professional communication , Irkutsk State Technical University


Irkutsk Governor Scholarship


1. Tunik A. A. and Tolstoy M. Y., 2017, The Complex Mobile Independent Power Station for the Urban Areas, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mat. Sc and Eng. # 262 6;
2. Tunik A. A. and Tolstoy M. Y., 2018, Hydraulic optimization of the flat solar collectors SUN 1 and the temperature gradient of the heat carrier in a system of connected solar units, MATEC Web of Conferences 212, 02007 (ICRE 2018);
3. Tunik A.A., Tolstoy M.Y., Stom D.I., Popova E.M. and Popov V.S., 2019, Use of microbial fuel cells and solar collectors in the multifunctional energy container, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (ICRE 2019) Volume 667 12;
4. Tolstoy M.Y., Belookaya N.V., Tolstoy V.M., Leontyev A and Tunik A.A., 2019, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (ICRE 2019), Volume 667, The multifunctional power container. Water treatment, 14;
5. Tunik A.A. and Tolstoy M. Y., 2020, Using of the complex mobile station for heat and energy supply of residential villages, located on the protected areas, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Volume 880 7;
6. Tunik A. A., Tolstoy M. Y. and Kalashnikov M. P., 2020, The complex mobile independent power station for the recreational areas, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 408 7;
7. Tunik A.A. and Tolstoy M. Y., 2020, Using of the complex mobile station for heat and energy supply of residential villages, located on the protected areas, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering
880 (2020) 012056, (ICRE 2020);
8. Tunik A.A. and Tolstoy M. Y., 2021, Research of solar energy potential in the Eastern Siberia, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 751;
8. Tolstoy M.Y., Akinina N.V. and Tunik A.A., 2012, Solar collector Patent RF no. 112364 U1 F24J2 24 (2006.01) Bul. # 1;
9. Tolstoy M. Y., Tunik A. A. and Lapkovskiy A. A., 2015, Solar collector Patent RF no.153795 U1 F24J 2 24 (2006.01) Bul. # 22.
SPIN-RSCI: 4228-5352
ResearcherID: Q-2893-2018
Scopus AuthorID: 57212480698