Research and Publications
Doctor of Sciences, Technical Sciences
Education, degrees
Biologist, Biology and Chemistry Teacher, Irkutsk State University
Modern models of assessing the impact of anthropogenic factors on deep rift lake ecosystems, Institute of the Earth Crust of the Siberian Branch of the RAS
Continuing education
First Aid Receptions, Training Center for First Aid Techniques
The pedagogical and psychological aspects of the organization of inclusive vocational education for people with disabilities and disabilities , INRTU
Labor Veteran (1998); Distinguished Veteran of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2003), The silver sigma badge for its many years of creative work and great contribution to the development of science (2007).
Member-correspondent of the Academy of Water Sciences, on the department "Cadastre, monitoring and protection of water resources (2003).
Member of the Dissertation Council on the specialty "Biotechnology " VSGUTU, Ulan-Ude (2004-2015). Member of the Dissertation Council on the specialty "Geoecology (in the mining and processing industry, Geotechnology (underground, open and construction) (Irkutsk), (2010-2020).
Professional Interests
Candidate’s examination in Environmental Safety
Program: Environmental safety (Postgraduate)
Department: School of Subsurface Resource Management
Program: Environmental safety (Postgraduate)
Department: School of Subsurface Resource Management
Program: Ecology (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection named after S.B. Leonov
Program: Ecology (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection named after S.B. Leonov
Ecology of unique ecosystems
Program: Ecology & Green Technologies (Master's degree)
Department: Baikal School of BRICS
Program: Ecology & Green Technologies (Master's degree)
Department: Baikal School of BRICS
Environmental safety
Program: Environmental safety (Postgraduate)
Department: School of Subsurface Resource Management
Program: Environmental safety (Postgraduate)
Department: School of Subsurface Resource Management
Ethnogenesis and the Biosphere
Program: Environmental Science Engineering (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Baikal School of BRICS
Program: Environmental Science Engineering (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Baikal School of BRICS
1. Verkhozina V. A., Verkhozina E. V. and Verkhoturov V. V. Evaluation of results of changes in bacterial strains in ecosystem of lake Baikal. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. International Conference on Construction, Architecture and Technosphere Safety. September 2019. Chelyabinsk. The Russian Federation. Volume 687. 2019.
2. Verkhozina E. V., Safarov A. S., Verkhozina V. A., Bukin U. S. The Use of Mathematical Methods in Analysis of Antibioticresistans of Microorganisms of Lake Baikal. Information Technologies in the Research of Biodiversity Proceedings of the International Conference Information Technologies in the Research of Biodiversity, September. 2018. Irkutsk, Russia. Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences. 2019. p. 66-72.
3. Valentina Verkhozina, Elena Verkhozina, Ludmila Shketova, Svetlana Timofeeva. A study of biotechnological processing of sulphide gold-containing ores. Izvestia universities. Applied chemistry and biotechnology. 2019. N. 1. C. 109-119.
4. Verkhozina E.V., Verkhozina V.A., Verkhoturov V.V. Eco-biotechnological research of the lake Baikal ecosystem: monograph. Irkutsk. IRNITU. 2019. 160 p.
5. Verkhozina V.A., Verkhozina E.V., Verkhoturov V.V., Bukin S.S., Safarov A.S. Analysis of the microbial community in the littoral zone of the southern part of the Lake Baikal ecosystem. Water and ecology: problems and solutions. 2017. N. 3. P. 99-113.
6. Verkhozina V.A., Golovnykh N.V., Safarov A.S., Chudnenko K.V., Shadov I.M. Development of information technology method in resource-saving technologies of aluminum production. Metallurg. 2016, N 4. P.17-25
7. .Verkhozina V.A., Verkhozina E.V., Safarov A.S., Makukhin V.L. Simulation of the transfer of solid-weight emissions by thermal power plants to the central ecological zone of the Baikal Natural Territory Water: Chemistry and Ecology 2017. N. 11-12. P. 20-27.
8. Verhozina E.V., Safarov A.S., Makukhin V.L., Verhozina VA Impact of New-Irkutsk TEC emissions on air pollution in Irkutsk. Geoecology, 2016, No. 1. p.. 50-55.
9. Niu, M., Ma. E., Li, P., Fu, S, Verkhozina V.A. Effects of excesseive Mg +2 on the soil enzyme activity Shenyang Jianzhu Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban). Journal of Shenyang Jianzhu University (Natural Scence), 2009, 25 (3), pp. 552- 555.
10. Ren Wan-Xia, Li Pei-Jun, Zheng Le, Fan Shu-Xiu, Valentina A. Verkhozina. Effects of dissolved low molecular weight organic acids on oxidation of ferrous iron by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans
2. Verkhozina E. V., Safarov A. S., Verkhozina V. A., Bukin U. S. The Use of Mathematical Methods in Analysis of Antibioticresistans of Microorganisms of Lake Baikal. Information Technologies in the Research of Biodiversity Proceedings of the International Conference Information Technologies in the Research of Biodiversity, September. 2018. Irkutsk, Russia. Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences. 2019. p. 66-72.
3. Valentina Verkhozina, Elena Verkhozina, Ludmila Shketova, Svetlana Timofeeva. A study of biotechnological processing of sulphide gold-containing ores. Izvestia universities. Applied chemistry and biotechnology. 2019. N. 1. C. 109-119.
4. Verkhozina E.V., Verkhozina V.A., Verkhoturov V.V. Eco-biotechnological research of the lake Baikal ecosystem: monograph. Irkutsk. IRNITU. 2019. 160 p.
5. Verkhozina V.A., Verkhozina E.V., Verkhoturov V.V., Bukin S.S., Safarov A.S. Analysis of the microbial community in the littoral zone of the southern part of the Lake Baikal ecosystem. Water and ecology: problems and solutions. 2017. N. 3. P. 99-113.
6. Verkhozina V.A., Golovnykh N.V., Safarov A.S., Chudnenko K.V., Shadov I.M. Development of information technology method in resource-saving technologies of aluminum production. Metallurg. 2016, N 4. P.17-25
7. .Verkhozina V.A., Verkhozina E.V., Safarov A.S., Makukhin V.L. Simulation of the transfer of solid-weight emissions by thermal power plants to the central ecological zone of the Baikal Natural Territory Water: Chemistry and Ecology 2017. N. 11-12. P. 20-27.
8. Verhozina E.V., Safarov A.S., Makukhin V.L., Verhozina VA Impact of New-Irkutsk TEC emissions on air pollution in Irkutsk. Geoecology, 2016, No. 1. p.. 50-55.
9. Niu, M., Ma. E., Li, P., Fu, S, Verkhozina V.A. Effects of excesseive Mg +2 on the soil enzyme activity Shenyang Jianzhu Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban). Journal of Shenyang Jianzhu University (Natural Scence), 2009, 25 (3), pp. 552- 555.
10. Ren Wan-Xia, Li Pei-Jun, Zheng Le, Fan Shu-Xiu, Valentina A. Verkhozina. Effects of dissolved low molecular weight organic acids on oxidation of ferrous iron by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans
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