Our Compelling Advantages

Teaching is conducted within the framework of the traditional mining and geological school using modern interactive technologies and teaching methods

The content of educational programs takes into account the current needs of enterprises and customers

80% with academic degrees and titles, incl. 15% - doctors of sciences

Variety of exciting clubs and sports events

Training of students on scientific and educational research equipment in laboratories

Сompanies and enterprises employ our graduates in key and engineering positions;

The distribution of graduates to enterprises is carried out by applications, the number of which exceeds the actual graduation of specialists in 2-3 times

During training, students can undergo internships at partner enterprises of the school and the University

During the internship, students can earn and acquire professional skills

The university hosts international championships “Case-in”, “WorldSkills”, “I am a professional” in professional competencies.
About us
The School of Subsoil Use was founded in 2011 on the basis of the Mining Faculty and the Faculty of Geology, Geoinformatics and Geoecology.
Education process is holding in the Russian language. The School prepares bachelors, engineers and masters. Presently, over 2000 students are enrolled in the school. The teaching faculty comprises of 20 doctors of science, more than 80 candidates of science, about 20 full members and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the Academy of Mining Sciences.
From the first year the students gain new relevant knowledge and skills, master classes and business trainings, they will develop analytical thinking and learn how to apply a project-based approach to solve different problems.
Goals — training and teaching of future leaders of engineering and technology in priority areas of the economy:
- Geology, exploration, development and exploitation of the Earth's interior
- Geodesy in the construction of highways, residential and industrial buildings, land management, remote sensing of the Earth
- Industrial and environmental safety, labor protection, environmental protection
- Jewelry design and technology:
— Research work as a platform for the development of design and technological solutions;
— international integration with the world "think tanks" of the East Asian and Central Asian regions, allowing to increase labor productivity and quality of life in general.
The school keenly focuses on the extractive sector of the economy, safe working conditions and our environment.
Every structural division of the School of Subsoil Use has close relationships with scientific organizations and production. Our partners, including Norilsk Nickel, Alrosa, PolymetallUK, Lenskaya Gold Ore Company, Raspadskaya, Lenzoloto, Buryatzoloto, SUEK, Russdragmet help the school to improve the quality of training of specialists by purchasing laboratory equipment and improving the material base.
Some enterprises, even at the stage of study, conclude contracts with students, providing them with material support until graduation and guaranteeing subsequent employment.
After graduation, all graduates have the opportunity to continue their studies in numerous scientific specialties.
The institute has dissertation councils for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations in the specialties: geotechnology, geoecology, mineral processing, mining machines, geoinformatics, geology, prospecting and exploration of solid minerals, minerageny.
The School`s professors are involved in retraining and accelerated training through the Interregional Center for Advanced Studies and the TNK-BP Corporate Training and Research Center in several mining and geological areas.
Educational programs

Our Structure
- Student Design Bureau on Design and Safety
- Scientific Center on Complementary geophysical, geological, and geochemical studies
- Department of Industrial Ecology and Life Safety
- Department of Mine Surveying and Geodesy
- Department of Mining Machines and Electromechanical Systems
- Department of Mineral Deposits Development
- Directorate of School of Subsurface Resource Management
- Department of Jewelry Design and Technology
- Department of Oil and Gas Engineering
- Department of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection named after S.B. Leonov
Key Personnel
New releases