Department of Industrial Ecology and Life Safety

Department of Industrial Ecology and Life Safety is one of the oldest departments of the University. In December 2019, the department turned 70 years old. The department conducts educational and organizational work. All-Russian student conferences on Life Safety Issues have been held on the basis of the department for 20 years. For over 20 years the department has been holding All-Russian Olympiad on ecology and life safety. During the period of study students undergo practical training at the most famous enterprises of the region and receive invitations to work based on its results

Key personnel

Teaching staff

Educational programs

Training period

Research projects

  • Technology Development for bioremediation of environmental objects and normalization of sanitary and hygienic conditions in industrial and administrative premises.
  • Professional risks at the facilities of the Irkutsk region economy
  • Safety culture as an element of reducing the level of occupational hazards
  • Ergonomic design of working spaces

New releases

State Labor Inspectorate, Irkutsk region
The State Labor Inspectorate (Irkutsk region) is a territorial body of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment (Rostrud) that performs functions for state supervision and control over compliance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law norms in the territory of the Irkutsk Region.
Irkutsk Oil Company, LLC
One of the largest independent producers of hydrocarbons in Russia. It is engaged in geological exploration, prospecting and production of hydrocarbons in the fields and subsoil areas in Eastern Siberia — Irkutsk Region, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and Krasnoyarsk Territory

Outstanding graduates

Yuri Anufriev
Department of Expertise and Best Practices of Industrial Safety Management / Director
graduate of 2011
Pavel Berezin
Labor Protection Service, LLC / General Director
graduate of 2010
Daria Perminova
Labor Protection Department / Leading specialist
graduate of 2011