Research and Publications
Education, degrees
Physical and chemical research of metallurgical processes, Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute
Waste management, Dresden University of Technology
Renovation of industrial zones in the Baikal region, Dresden University of Technology
Atmospheric science
Program: Environmental Science Engineering (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Baikal School of BRICS
Program: Environmental Science Engineering (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Baikal School of BRICS
Ecological monitoring
Program: Mining ecology (Bachelor's degree(5 years))
Department: Department of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection named after S.B. Leonov
Program: Mining ecology (Bachelor's degree(5 years))
Department: Department of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection named after S.B. Leonov
Ecosystem processes
Program: Environmental Science Engineering (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Baikal School of BRICS
Program: Environmental Science Engineering (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Baikal School of BRICS
Environmental Control
Program: Mining ecology (Bachelor's degree(5 years))
Department: Department of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection named after S.B. Leonov
Program: Mining ecology (Bachelor's degree(5 years))
Department: Department of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection named after S.B. Leonov
Environmental monitoring
Program: Environmental Science Engineering (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Baikal School of BRICS
Program: Environmental Science Engineering (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Baikal School of BRICS
Vlasova V.V., Artemova O.S., Fomina E.Yu. Determination of directions for the effective use of TPP waste / Ecology and Industry of Russia 2017, V. 21, No. 11 (No. 1918 from the List of VAK journals). (Scopus)
Vlasova V.V., Fomina E.Yu. Technology for processing ash and slag waste from TPPs with obtaining iron-containing raw materials for ferrous metallurgy / Ferrous metals, No. 7 (1051), 2019, S 67-72 (No. 1918 from the List of VAK journals). (Scopus)
Fomina E., Vlasova V. Development of Alumina Production Technology by sintering of TPP Waste / IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. (Scopus)
Fomina E.Yu., Shnitulenko G.Yu. Analysis of the waste management scheme in the Syudyansky district of the Irkutsk region / Bulletin of ISTU, 2017
Fomina E.Yu., Starostina V.Yu., Vlasova V.V. Development of an effective technology for processing waste from thermal power plants in the Baikal region / Materials of the VI International Conference "Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management, Crete, 2018.
Vlasova V.V., Fomina E.Yu. Technology for processing ash and slag waste from TPPs with obtaining iron-containing raw materials for ferrous metallurgy / Ferrous metals, No. 7 (1051), 2019, S 67-72 (No. 1918 from the List of VAK journals). (Scopus)
Fomina E., Vlasova V. Development of Alumina Production Technology by sintering of TPP Waste / IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. (Scopus)
Fomina E.Yu., Shnitulenko G.Yu. Analysis of the waste management scheme in the Syudyansky district of the Irkutsk region / Bulletin of ISTU, 2017
Fomina E.Yu., Starostina V.Yu., Vlasova V.V. Development of an effective technology for processing waste from thermal power plants in the Baikal region / Materials of the VI International Conference "Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management, Crete, 2018.