Faculty and Staff

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Salamatov, Viktor
Associate Professor: Department of Materials Science, Welding and Additive Technology
Samarkina, Ekaterina
Director of the School: School of Power Engineering
Head of the Department: Department of Heat Power Engineering
Deputy Director: EUROSIBENERGO - INRTU Corporate Research Training Center
Savilov, Andrei
Associate Professor: Department of Technology and Equipment for Machine-Building Production
Head of the Laboratory: High Performance Machining Lab
Serebriannikova, Anna
Deputy director: Center for International Services
Shaglaeva, Nina
Professor: Department of Chemical Technology named after N.I. Yaropolov
Shishkanov, Vladimir
Senior Teacher: Department of Fundamentals of Architectural Design
Shishmareva, Tatiana
Associate Professor: Department of Humanities
Shmelev, Vadim
Head of the Department: Department of Informatization
Shushpanov, Ilia
Acting Head of the Department, Associate Professor: Department of Power Supply and Electrical Engineering
Sidorov, Denis
Senior Researcher: Industrial Mathematics Lab
Professor: Laboratory of Network Systems and IT Infrastructure
Sipkina, Evgeniia
Associate Professor: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology named after V.V. Tuturina
Sivtseva, Natalia
Associate Professor: Department of Humanities
Smirnov, Vladimir
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs: University Management
Smolin, Evgenii
Senior Teacher: Department of Fundamentals of Architectural Design
Soboleva, Veronika
Associate Professor: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology named after V.V. Tuturina
Sozonov, Pavel
Associate Professor: Department of Construction Operations
Head of the Center: BIM Center
Stolbov, Aleksandr
Associate Professor: Laboratory of Network Systems and IT Infrastructure
Syroezhkina, Maria
Senior Teacher: Department of Fundamentals of Architectural Design
Sysoev, Ivan
Associate Professor: Department of Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals
Associate Professor: Department of Power Supply and Electrical Engineering
Head of the Office: Department of Research Affairs