Department of Road Transport
The Department of Road Transport is the leading and one of the oldest departments of the Irkutsk National Research Technical University. The first students "wave" on major Automobiles and vehicle industry was made in 1961. Our department trains bachelors, masters, as well as candidates and doctors of Sciences in transport area. During the study period students have the opportunity to implement their knowledge during practice at leading motor transport enterprises, branded car centers, as well as in organizations of the city and region with a further employment prospect after graduation. Department graduates are in high demand. They work at motor transport enterprises, branded car centers and service stations, in traffic police structures and transport departments of municipal administrations, create their own business. Graduates ,who have chosen the science path, have the opportunity to study in postgraduate and doctoral studies of the department. There are modern research laboratories for them.

Key personnel
Aleksandr Fedotov
+7 950-399-1981
Head of the Department:
Department of Road Transport
Teaching staff
Educational programs
Training period
Training period
Training period
Training period
4 years Language

Research projects
- Scientific School of Professor Alexander Mikhailov
The School is widely known in Russia and abroad for its research in the field of transport and urban planning, traffic management.By order of the Ministry of Transport (Russian Federation), a group of INRTU department employees the under the scientific and methodological guidance of A.Y. Mikhailov is developing national regulatory documents in the field of traffic management and design of a comfortable urban environment.
- Scientific School of Professor Alexander Fedotov
Under the leadership of Professor A.Fedotov, an interdisciplinary scientific school for the development of information and measurement complexes and expert systems for traditional and autonomous wheeled vehicles using modern methods of three-dimensional design, simulation mathematical modeling, as well as synthesis of testing processes, control and diagnostics of intelligent systems has been established at INRTU.