Department of Urban Planning and Municipal Engineering

Department of Urban Construction and Economy has been training specialists since March 1992. At the present time the department provides undergraduate and post graduate educational programs on construction. Within the study period students have the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills gained and undergo internships in various companies of Irkutsk city and region with further prospect to be employed upon graduation.

Key personnel

Educational programs

Training period
Training period
4 years
Training period
Training period

Research projects

  • Scientific School "Science Absorbing and Sustainable Systems of City Life Support"
  • Development of methodical foundations for the management of modes and optimization of the development of pipeline systems of housing and communal services

  • Development of energy saving technologies and estimation of the energy efficiency of the buildings and urban engineering systems

  • Development of electric heating devices based on nanocomposite materials

New releases

StroyProektServis, LLC
LLC StroyProektServis has an experience of working in the most difficult and harsh climatic conditions and in the absence of infrastructure. It has production and human resources to implement large-scale projects of any level of complexity. LLC StroyProektServis has production facilities in various regions of Russia; a modern fleet of construction equipment has over 1500 units of machinery. The team of 2.5 thousand qualified professionals.
Progress Managing Organization, LLC
Progress is a group of companies provides services in management and maintenance of apartment buildings in several micro districts of Irkutsk city.
Fund for capital repairs of apartment buildings in Irkutsk region
The Fund for capital repair of apartment buildings in Irkutsk region is a regional system operator of capital repair of apartment buildings on the territory of Irkutsk region. Founder of the Fund of capital repair of apartment buildings of Irkutsk region is the Government of Irkutsk region represented by the Ministry of Housing Policy and Energy of Irkutsk region.
Vodokanal, municipal unitary enterprise
Vodokanal of Irkutsk provides services on water supply and sanitation, construction and repair of engineering equipment and facilities. The length of water supply networks of "Vodokanal" in Irkutsk is 774.09 km, sewerage networks – 745.08 km.
VostSibStroy, LLC
VostSibStroy Group of Companies is the largest building and industrial complex in Irkutsk region.

Outstanding graduates

Arkadiy Chesnokov
Profi-Grad, LLC / Director
graduate of 2001
Olga Korabenkova
Ushakovskaya group of companies / General Director
graduate of 2001
Andrey Krendelev
New Systems of Design, LLC / General Director
graduate of 2003
Andrey Shishkin
Stroy Kraft, LLC / Director
graduate of 2007
Alexey Kaukin
Aurora, LLC / General Director
graduate of 2007
Artyom Krivosheev
Progress Group of Companies (Progress-Service LLC, Progress Managing Organization LLC, Progress Construction Company LLC) / General Director
graduate of 2013