Department of Radioelectronics and Telecommunication Systems
Our department has its current name since 2011, when the students' admission for bachelor's degree on the program "Radio Engineering" and "Infocommunication technologies and communication systems" began. In 2017, in connection with the creation of the Institute of High Technologies, the department was introduced into its structure and continued implementing bachelor's and master's degree programs.
The department backgrounds are the study of the radio waves propagation, creation of modern automated measuring systems, study of cosmic rays, study of the relationship of electromagnetic fields with seismicity, study of promising types of modulation of radio signals, geo- and hydroacoustics.
Students are trained at the department by highly qualified teachers, including 4 doctors of sciences, 12 candidates of sciences, 4 corresponding members of branch academies.

Key personnel
Aleksandr Chensky
+7 908-661-2947
Head of the Department:
Department of Radioelectronics and Telecommunication Systems
Teaching staff
Educational programs
Training period
Training period
4 years Language

Training period
Research projects
- Remote diagnostics of the lower ionosphere in the ultra-long wavelength range
- Lightning direction finding
- Robotic catamaran for environmental monitoring
- Scientific research expeditions to Lake Baikal
- Development of the physical foundations of plasma-optical mass separation for isotope separation and production of high-purity substances
- Production of thin films and heterostructures of micro- and nanomaterials