Department of Electric Power Plants, Networks and Systems

Our Department has been preparing specialists since 1963. Currently it provides training for bachelor's, master's degree and postgraduates. Highly qualified teaching staff, experienced specialists are engaged for preparing students for design, commissioning, operation, research work and management of electric power stations, electric networks with a voltage of 110 kV and higher. The unique laboratory, practical training at energy enterprises allow students to gain practical skills in the field of electric power engineering. The curriculum provides internships at the electric power facilities of the region: hydraulic and thermal power plants, substations of electric grid enterprises, design organizations. Among our graduates there are doctors and candidates of sciences, professors and associate professors, directors of large energy and industrial enterprises. Our graduates built and commissioned the Bratsk and Ust-Ilimskaya hydroelectric power plants, erected a hydroelectric dam on the Aswan Canal in Egypt, participated in the development of the energy policy of Russia, the energy program of Siberia, the Far East and the Irkutsk region.

Key personnel

Teaching staff

Educational programs

Training period
Training period
4 years
Training period
Training period
2 years
Training period
2 years
Training period
Training period
4 years

Research projects

  • Research and improvement of the electrical power quality in the electrical power systems
  • Fault location on the overhead power lines
  • Surveys and compensation of the induced voltages on the switched off power lines
  • Development of the monitoring and diagnostic methods for the technical condition of the electrical equipment
  • Development and research of the renewable energy sources
  • Research of the electromagnetic situation and compatibility at the electric power stations and substations
  • Research of the relay protection and automatics of the electrical power systems operation in the transient modes
  • Application of the artificial intelligence methods and algorithms in the electrical power engineering.
  • Study of a reliability, safety and redundancy in the electrical power systems.
  • Research of the steady-state and transient modes of the electrical power engineering systems operation.
  • Study and development of activities to reduce the electric power losses.

New releases

En+ Group
En+ Group is a vertically integrated producer of low-carbon aluminum and electric energy, managing assets in energy, non-ferrous metallurgy and mining, as well as logistics and strategically related industries. The business combines electric power generation assets with installed capacity of 19.6 GW, over 75% of which are hydroelectric power plants, and aluminum production facilities with annual production capacity of 3.9 million tons, which makes En+ Group the largest aluminum producer in the world outside of China.
It is a Russian energy company, the country's largest private power company in terms of installed capacity. The company manages Russia's big energy enterprises and serves more than 15 million consumers. The total installed capacity under the company's management is 19.5 GW of electric power and 17,570 Gcal/h of thermal energy; the company's share in the Russian electric power market is about 9%.
EuroSibEnergo-Gidrogeneraciya, LLC
The company manages and maintains hydropower plants: Krasnoyarskaya HPP, Bratskaya HPP, Ust-Ilimskaya HPP and Irkutskaya HPP.
Irkutskenergosbyt, LLC
The company sells electricity, steam and hot water heat, cold and hot water supply in Irkutsk region, concludes energy supply contracts, implements a range of services and energy saving and provides services to 43.6 thousand legal entities and 1.2 million individuals (consumers of electric power) in Irkutsk region.
Kurs, LLC
LLC Kurs is an expert in distribution and supply of domestic electrical equipment for various purposes; official supplier of abrasive, blasting and sandblasting equipment; supplier of industrial batteries.
Oblkommunenergo provides operation and repair of power grid facilities in the Irkutsk region. 10 branches of the company service 9,500 km of power lines and more than 3,000 transformer substations. There are more than 390 000 consumers, both individuals and legal entities, including budget organizations, connected to the "Oblkommunenergo" networks. Useful power supply is more than 3000 mln. kWh per year.
L.A.Melentiev Energy Systems Institute (SB RAS)
It is a research institute of scientific interest in theory of creation and management of energy systems, complexes and installations, scientific basis and mechanisms for implementation of energy policy of Russia and its regions, including ensuring reliability of fuel and energy supply and energy security.
Power Technologies, JSC
Power Technologies is engaged in design, supply, adjustment and installation of power and auxiliary electrical equipment at power facilities of all voltage classes.
Premier-Energo, LLC
LLC Premier-Energo develops design and estimate documentation for reconstruction and new construction of power facilities: substations up to 500 kV, power transmission lines up to 500 kV, communication and telemechanic networks, backup power supply systems, renewable power sources and other energy infrastructure facilities. The company performs all types of engineering surveys, analysis, feasibility study of development perspectives and use of various solutions in the sphere of power engineering by its own efforts.
SKB of Electrotechnical Instrument Engineering LLC

SKB of Electrotechnical Instrument Engineering specializes in development and production of devices for control and diagnostics of high-voltage circuit breakers and transformers of Russian and foreign production.

Outstanding graduates

Anatoly Khabuktanov
Bratsk Mounting Department Gidroelektromontazh, Ltd / Director
graduate of 1984
Evgeny Kolesnikov
Mamakanskaya Hydro Power Plant / Operating Director
graduate of 1997
Maksim Korchagin
Power Technologies Ltd / Deputy General Director
graduate of 1998
Ilya Artemiev
Premier-Energo Engineering Company / Operational Management Director
graduate of 1999
Ilya Usov
Premier-Energo Engineering Company / Deputy General Director
graduate of 1999
Oleg Bagleibter
General Electric, United Kingdom / Senior Staff Engineering Manager
graduate of 1999
Pavel Etingov
U.S. Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA, USA / Staff Research Engineer
graduate of 1997
Tsevegjav Onormaa
Market and Finance at the National Energy Dispatch Center of Mongolia / Deputy Director
graduate of 2007
Denis Vorontsov
Department at PJSC Gazprom / Head of Technological Solutions Analysis
graduate of 2017
Vyacheslav Garimyko
Irkutskaya Hydro Power Plant / Deputy Head of Operations and Maintenance Shop
graduate of 2017