Department of Power Supply and Electrical Engineering

The Department of Power Supply and Electrical Engineering was organized in 1997 as a result of the merger of two departments - the Department of Power Supply of Industrial Enterprises and the Department of General and Theoretical Electrical Engineering. The division of the department includes Scientific Research Laboratory "Intelligent Power Supply Systems", Scientific Research Laboratory "High Voltage Engineering", Laboratory "Electrotechnological and Structural Materials Science", Research student design association "ENERGY NET"

Key personnel

Ilia Shushpanov
Acting Head of the Department, Associate Professor: Department of Power Supply and Electrical Engineering

Teaching staff

Educational programs

Training period
Training period
2 years
Training period
2 years
Training period
2 years

Research projects

  • Reliability of power systems
  • Protection technologies for distribution systems
  • Multi-energy integrated systems
  • Active power electric systems
  • Virtual power plants
  • Microgrids and off-grid systems
  • Control of wind generation systems
  • Power quality
  • Adaptive automatic controllers for distributed generation installations
  • Methods of parametric identification of elements of electric power systems
  • Application of smart grid technologies in power supply and power supply systems
  • Methods of mathematical modeling and control of cyber-physical energy systems

New releases

It is a Russian energy company, the country's largest private power company in terms of installed capacity. The company manages Russia's big energy enterprises and serves more than 15 million consumers. The total installed capacity under the company's management is 19.5 GW of electric power and 17,570 Gcal/h of thermal energy; the company's share in the Russian electric power market is about 9%.
En+ Group
En+ Group is a vertically integrated producer of low-carbon aluminum and electric energy, managing assets in energy, non-ferrous metallurgy and mining, as well as logistics and strategically related industries. The business combines electric power generation assets with installed capacity of 19.6 GW, over 75% of which are hydroelectric power plants, and aluminum production facilities with annual production capacity of 3.9 million tons, which makes En+ Group the largest aluminum producer in the world outside of China.
Melentiev Energy Systems Institute of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
It is a research institute of scientific interest in theory of creation and management of energy systems, complexes and installations, scientific basis and mechanisms for implementation of energy policy of Russia and its regions, including ensuring reliability of fuel and energy supply and energy security.
Irkutskenergosbyt, LLC
The company sells electricity, steam and hot water heat, cold and hot water supply in Irkutsk region, concludes energy supply contracts, implements a range of services and energy saving and provides services to 43.6 thousand legal entities and 1.2 million individuals (consumers of electric power) in Irkutsk region.
Oblkommunenergo provides operation and repair of power grid facilities in the Irkutsk region. 10 branches of the company service 9,500 km of power lines and more than 3,000 transformer substations. There are more than 390 000 consumers, both individuals and legal entities, including budget organizations, connected to the "Oblkommunenergo" networks. Useful power supply is more than 3000 mln. kWh per year.
Premier-Energo, LLC
LLC Premier-Energo develops design and estimate documentation for reconstruction and new construction of power facilities: substations up to 500 kV, power transmission lines up to 500 kV, communication and telemechanic networks, backup power supply systems, renewable power sources and other energy infrastructure facilities. The company performs all types of engineering surveys, analysis, feasibility study of development perspectives and use of various solutions in the sphere of power engineering by its own efforts.

Outstanding graduates