Bachelor's (5 years)
5 years
Department of Mineral Deposits Development
About the program
Students acquire special knowledge and skills in various fields of science and production related to the development of mineral deposits, as well as general knowledge in engineering and earth sciences (geology, higher mathematics, physics, chemistry, engineering graphics and others). Students study in detail the technologies of prospecting, exploration and development of mineral deposits, methods of economic and technological justification of engineering solutions, issues of ensuring safe working conditions at mining enterprises operating mineral deposits underground
Learning outcomes
- Carry out technical management of mining and blasting operations during operational exploration, mining of solid minerals, construction and operation of underground facilities, directly control processes at production facilities, including in emergency situations;
- The ability to determine the spatial and geometric position of objects, to carry out the necessary geodetic and mine surveying measurements, to process and interpret their results;
- Knowledge of methods of ensuring industrial safety, including in emergency situations, in the design and operation of mining enterprises with an underground method of mining ore deposits of minerals;
- Possess methods of reducing the environmental burden and improving the environmental safety of mining during underground mining of ore deposits of minerals.
Career opportunities
Students who have completed bachelor's degree program in "Underground mining of ore deposits" have the opportunity to find employment at the enterprises of the world's leading companies of the mineral and fuel and energy complex as engineering and technical workers, as an engineer in design and research organizations of various profiles, in organizations operating in the field of underground construction and environmental management
1 semester
1 year
2 semester
1 year
3 semester
2 year
4 semester
2 year
5 semester
3 year
6 semester
3 year
7 semester
4 year
8 semester
4 year
9 semester
5 year
10 semester
5 year
Program academic supervisor
Teaching staff
Fees and funding
*Part-time mode of study is also available. For the detailed information about tuition fee and the training period please contact International admission office
Entrance exams
Applicants take a computer entrance exam in Russian or provide CEFR level B1, TORFL level 1 or equivalent to the Russian-taught program.
Contact us
+7 (395) 240-52-15
Contact us