13.03.02 Electric power engineering and electrical engineering

Power supply

4 years

About the program

Power supply specialist has professional competencies, including knowledge and skills in the design of power supply systems; installation, commissioning, testing, repair and maintenance of power facilities; management of technological processes, subdivisions of the electric power profile; development and development of new electrical equipment and new technological processes; the introduction of energy-saving technologies and equipment, etc.
The objects of professional activity of a specialist are: power plants and substations, power lines, electric power systems; power supply systems for equipment and industries; electric power, -technical, -physical and technological installations of high voltage; automatic control and relay protection devices in the power industry; power plants, power plants and complexes based on non-traditional and renewable energy sources; hydroelectric power plants and hydropower plants.
Professional activities of our graduates:
• design and technological;
• research;
• organizational and managerial;
• operational.

Learning outcomes

  • Knowledge of power electronics, adjustable electric drives, low and high voltage electrical equipment, instrumentation, microprocessor technology;
  • Possess practical skills in working with complex electrical equipment with a high level of automation.

Career opportunities

Graduates are in demand and successfully work at enterprises of the aviation, metallurgical, timber processing, oil and gas production and energy complexes, urban infrastructure facilities. . The competitive advantage of the proposed training profile is its uniqueness: it is the only one in the region that prepares specialists - generalists who can work on modern energy-efficient electrical equipment with a high level of automation.
Good professional training allows graduates to successfully compete in the choice of the type of activity, including participation in projects, performance of work on the creation and operation of automated electrical equipment.
There is an opportunity to continue training on specialized master's programs, to gain fundamental theoretical knowledge while undergoing postgraduate training.


Program academic supervisor

Teaching staff

Associate Professor, Senior Researcher: Industrial Mathematics Lab
Head of the Department: Department of Electric Power Plants, Networks and Systems
Associate Professor: EUROSIBENERGO - INRTU Corporate Research Training Center
Associate Professor, Senior Researcher: Department of History and Philosophy
Associate Professor: Department of Electric Power Plants, Networks and Systems
Head of the Laboratory: Electrical part of stations and substations Lab
Head of the Department: Department of Operational Activities
Associate Professor: Department of Power Supply and Electrical Engineering

Fees and funding

200 300 ₽ *
Per year
*Part-time mode of study is also available. For the detailed information about tuition fee and the training period please contact International admission office

Entrance exams

Applicants take a computer entrance exam in Russian or provide CEFR level B1, TORFL level 1 or equivalent to the Russian-taught program.

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