22.03.02 Metallurgy

Metallurgy of non-ferrous, rare and noble metals

4 years

About the program

Preparation of the bachelors program "Metallurgy" is based on the skills of using professional work with teachers who have serious theoretical training and practical skills in the field of hydro-, electro- and pyrometallurgical processes. The research object for the practical application of learning outcomes are ores, concentrates and technogenic raw materials containing metals: gold, aluminum, copper, nickel, etc. Students receive knowledge and practical skills on modern laboratory equipment, do the practical training in research organizations and industrial enterprises of a metallurgical field.

Learning outcomes

  • Opportunity to engage in research, creative, production-technological and innovative activities in the field of metallurgical technologies;
  • Knowledge of theory and technology of industrial methods of production of non-ferrous, rare and noble metals from various types of ore and secondary raw materials using modern processes;
  • Opportunity to engage in research, creative, production-technological and innovative activities in the field of metallurgical technologies;
  • Skills in performing technological and design calculations.

Career opportunities

After graduation, you can find a job:
- in research and industry institutes of metallurgical profile;
- at industrial enterprises of the largest metallurgical corporations;
- in laboratories of metallurgical enterprises;
- other organizations related areas.


Program academic supervisor

Teaching staff

Associate Professor, Senior Researcher: Department of History and Philosophy
Professor: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology named after V.V. Tuturina
Director of the School: School of Extramural and Evening Education
Associate Professor: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology named after V.V. Tuturina
Associate Professor, Senior Researcher: Department of History and Philosophy
Associate Professor: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology named after V.V. Tuturina
Associate Professor, Senior Researcher: Department of History and Philosophy
Associate Professor: Department of Materials Science, Welding and Additive Technology

Fees and funding

200 300 ₽ *
Per year
*Part-time mode of study is also available. For the detailed information about tuition fee and the training period please contact International admission office

Entrance exams

Applicants take a computer entrance exam in Russian or provide CEFR level B1, TORFL level 1 or equivalent to the Russian-taught program.

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