Natalia Sidorova
Associate Professor:
School of Economics, Management and Law,
Department of Sociology and Psychology (since 2001)
Research and Publications
Candidate of Sciences (PhD), Sociological Sciences
Education, degrees
Social Pedagogy, Irkutsk State Technical University
Continuing education
Professional retraining in the program , Altai State University
Professional Interests
Basics of Project Activity
Program: Radio engineering facilities for transmitting, receiving and processing signals (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Radioelectronics and Telecommunication Systems
Program: Radio engineering facilities for transmitting, receiving and processing signals (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Radioelectronics and Telecommunication Systems
Basics of project activity
Program: Architectural restoration design (Bachelor's degree(5 years))
Department: Department of Fundamentals of Architectural Design
Program: Architectural restoration design (Bachelor's degree(5 years))
Department: Department of Fundamentals of Architectural Design
Basics of Project Activity
Program: Multichannel telecommunications systems (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Radioelectronics and Telecommunication Systems
Program: Multichannel telecommunications systems (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Radioelectronics and Telecommunication Systems
Basics of Systemic Thinking
Program: Mine surveying (Bachelor's degree(5 years))
Department: Department of Mine Surveying and Geodesy
Program: Mine surveying (Bachelor's degree(5 years))
Department: Department of Mine Surveying and Geodesy
Critical and Systems Thinking
Program: Mining ecology (Bachelor's degree(5 years))
Department: Department of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection named after S.B. Leonov
Program: Mining ecology (Bachelor's degree(5 years))
Department: Department of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection named after S.B. Leonov
Fundamentals of Inclusive Interaction
Program: Power supply (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Electrical Drives and Vehicles
Program: Power supply (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Electrical Drives and Vehicles
Fundamentals of project activity
Program: Automobile service (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Road Transport
Program: Automobile service (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Road Transport
Higher Education Pedagogy
Program: Geomatics engineering, cartography (Geomatics engineering) (Postgraduate)
Department: Siberian School of Geosciences
Program: Geomatics engineering, cartography (Geomatics engineering) (Postgraduate)
Department: Siberian School of Geosciences
Modern educational technologies
Program: Physical Chemistry (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology named after V.V. Tuturina
Program: Physical Chemistry (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology named after V.V. Tuturina
Pedagogical Practice
Program: Devices and Methods of Experimental Physics (Postgraduate)
Program: Devices and Methods of Experimental Physics (Postgraduate)
Pedagogical Practice
Program: Radio Engineering, Including Television Systems and Equipment (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Radioelectronics and Telecommunication Systems
Program: Radio Engineering, Including Television Systems and Equipment (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Radioelectronics and Telecommunication Systems
Pedagogical practice
Program: Metallurgy of Ferrous, Non-Ferrous and Fare Metals (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals
Program: Metallurgy of Ferrous, Non-Ferrous and Fare Metals (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals
Pedagogical practice
Program: Physical Chemistry (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology named after V.V. Tuturina
Program: Physical Chemistry (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology named after V.V. Tuturina
Pedagogy in Higher Education
Program: Radio Engineering, Including Television Systems and Equipment (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Radioelectronics and Telecommunication Systems
Program: Radio Engineering, Including Television Systems and Equipment (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Radioelectronics and Telecommunication Systems
Pedagogy in Higher Education
Program: Devices and Methods of Experimental Physics (Postgraduate)
Program: Devices and Methods of Experimental Physics (Postgraduate)
Pedagogy in higher education
Program: Materials Science (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Materials Science, Welding and Additive Technology
Program: Materials Science (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Materials Science, Welding and Additive Technology
pedagogy in higher education
Program: Technology and Processing of Synthetic and Natural Polymers and Composites (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Chemical Technology named after N.I. Yaropolov
Program: Technology and Processing of Synthetic and Natural Polymers and Composites (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Chemical Technology named after N.I. Yaropolov
Pedagogy in higher education
Program: Product Quality Management. Standardization (Product Quality Management. Standardization) (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Automation and Control
Program: Product Quality Management. Standardization (Product Quality Management. Standardization) (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Automation and Control
Pedagogy in higher education
Program: Product Quality Management. Standardization (Industry engineering) (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Automation and Control
Program: Product Quality Management. Standardization (Industry engineering) (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Automation and Control
Pedagogy in higher education
Program: Metallurgy of Ferrous, Non-Ferrous and Fare Metals (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals
Program: Metallurgy of Ferrous, Non-Ferrous and Fare Metals (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals
Pedagogy in Higher Education
Program: Electric Power Engineering (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Electric Power Plants, Networks and Systems
Program: Electric Power Engineering (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Electric Power Plants, Networks and Systems
Pedagogy in higher education
Program: Geomatics engineering, cartography (Cartography) (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Mine Surveying and Geodesy
Program: Geomatics engineering, cartography (Cartography) (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Mine Surveying and Geodesy
Pedagogy in higher education
Program: Management (Postgraduate)
Department: School of Economics, Management and Law
Program: Management (Postgraduate)
Department: School of Economics, Management and Law
Pedagogy in higher education
Program: Ecology (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection named after S.B. Leonov
Program: Ecology (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection named after S.B. Leonov
Pedagogy in higher education
Program: Mechanical Engineering Technology (Postgraduate)
Department: School of Aircraft Construction, Mechanical Engineering and Transport
Program: Mechanical Engineering Technology (Postgraduate)
Department: School of Aircraft Construction, Mechanical Engineering and Transport
Pedagogy in higher education
Program: Environmental Safety (Postgraduate)
Department: School of Subsurface Resource Management
Program: Environmental Safety (Postgraduate)
Department: School of Subsurface Resource Management
pedagogy in higher education
Program: Mineral Processing (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection named after S.B. Leonov
Program: Mineral Processing (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection named after S.B. Leonov
Pedagogy in higher education
Program: Biotechnology (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology named after V.V. Tuturina
Program: Biotechnology (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology named after V.V. Tuturina
Pedagogy in Higher Education
Program: Geophysics (Postgraduate)
Department: Siberian School of Geosciences
Program: Geophysics (Postgraduate)
Department: Siberian School of Geosciences
Pedagogy in higher education
Program: Public Law (State Law) Sciences (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Law
Program: Public Law (State Law) Sciences (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Law
Pedagogy in Higher Education
Program: Land management, cadastre and land monitoring (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology named after V.V. Tuturina
Program: Land management, cadastre and land monitoring (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology named after V.V. Tuturina
Pedagogy in higher education
Program: Water Supply, Sewerage, Construction of Water Resources Protection System (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Urban Planning and Municipal Engineering
Program: Water Supply, Sewerage, Construction of Water Resources Protection System (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Urban Planning and Municipal Engineering
Pedagogy in higher education
Program: Physical Chemistry (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology named after V.V. Tuturina
Program: Physical Chemistry (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology named after V.V. Tuturina
Pedagogy in higher education
Program: Constructional materials and products (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Road Networks
Program: Constructional materials and products (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Road Networks
Pedagogy in Higher Education
Program: Ground Transport and Technological Means and Complexes (Road-building, Construction and Handling Machinery) (Postgraduate)
Department: School of Aircraft Construction, Mechanical Engineering and Transport
Program: Ground Transport and Technological Means and Complexes (Road-building, Construction and Handling Machinery) (Postgraduate)
Department: School of Aircraft Construction, Mechanical Engineering and Transport
Pedagogy in higher education
Program: Biotechnology of Food, Medicinal and Bioactivity Substances (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology named after V.V. Tuturina
Program: Biotechnology of Food, Medicinal and Bioactivity Substances (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology named after V.V. Tuturina
Teaching practice
Program: Management (Postgraduate)
Department: School of Economics, Management and Law
Program: Management (Postgraduate)
Department: School of Economics, Management and Law
1. Research on youth consumer behavior in university system in Irkutsk and Krasnodar. Sidorova N.V., Studenikina E. S., 2018 - International Conference on Research Paradigms Transformation in Social Sciences Volume: 50 Pages: 1098-1105 Published: 2018 10.15405/epsbs.2018.12.134