27.03.05 Innovatics

Engineering Business in the Fuel and Energy Complex

4 years

About the program

Our graduates are specialists of a fairly wide profile, in demand on the labor market. They can develop and organize the production of an innovative product; plan and control the implementation process of an innovative project; prepare information materials about organizations involved in innovative activities, as well about the innovative products and technologies; organize the production and promotion of the innovative products, its support and maintenance; develop the feasibility study of the project; make a justification, calculation of structure and manufacturing technologies of the innovative products; develop and implement quality systems; model and optimize the realization of innovation processes.

Learning outcomes

  • Management of innovative projects;
  • Industrial technologies and innovations;
  • Marketing in the innovation sphere;
  • Industrial technologies, systems and equipment of industrial production;
  • Innovative projects for creating competitive production of goods and services;
  • Innovative projects for the development of territories.

Career opportunities

Your skills will allow you to get a job in:
organizations and enterprises of the innovation sphere;
academic and research organizations;
institutions of higher and special professional education;
state authorities and in the departments of federal, regional and municipal levels;
infrastructure of innovation activity;
innovative entrepreneurship.
Our partners: PJSC Gazprom, JSC ANKHK, JSC ANKHP, JSC SUEK, LLC Irkutsk Oil Company, PJSC NK Rosneft, JSC SibvVAMI, PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel, LLC Vostsibugol Company, JSC Irkutskkabel, JSC Irgiredmet, PJSC Irkutskenergo.


Program academic supervisor

Teaching staff

Head of the Laboratory of Network Systems and IT Infrastructure: Networking Technology Lab
Associate Professor, Senior Researcher: Department of History and Philosophy
Assistant to the Rector: Department of Automation and Control
Assistant to the Rector: University Management
Associate Professor, Senior Researcher: Department of History and Philosophy
Associate Professor, Senior Researcher: Department of History and Philosophy
Associate Professor: Department of Materials Science, Welding and Additive Technology
Professor: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology named after V.V. Tuturina

Fees and funding

200 300 ₽ *
Per year
*Part-time mode of study is also available. For the detailed information about tuition fee and the training period please contact International admission office

Entrance exams

Applicants take a computer entrance exam in Russian or provide CEFR level B1, TORFL level 1 or equivalent to the Russian-taught program.

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