21.05.03 Technologies of geological exploring

Geophyscial methods of mineral deposit prospecting and exploration

Bachelor's (5 years)
5 years

About the program

Geophysical methods of prospecting and prospecting for mineral deposits is science-based section of geophysics designed for exploring the top beds of the Earth, exploration and prospecting for mineral deposits, engineering-geological, hydrogeological and other surveys.
The present day geophysics is the study of the natural resources of the Earth, environmental protection, control over nuclear tests, making forecasts of weather and natural disasters. In addition, geophysicists conduct research on the World Ocean and space research. Geophysicists are searching and prospecting for ore, oil and gas deposits on land and on the shelf of the seas.
Geophysicists work in research and design companies, in geological exploration and oil production companies.
This is a profession for attentive people with an analytical mindset who are not afraid to work in the field and away from home.

Learning outcomes

  • Fundamental level of understanding of the Physics of the Earth;
  • Ability and skills to use modern geophysical hardware and software systems to carry out geotechnical investigations, mineral prospecting and exploration, geoecological research;
  • Skills in employing advanced exploration geophysics methods;

Career opportunities

Our graduates work in geological exploration, gas and oil, construction companies, research institutes.


Program academic supervisor

Teaching staff

Head of the Department, Senior Researcher: Department of History and Philosophy
Associate Professor: Siberian School of Geosciences Russian Science Foundation Grant
Head of the Laboratory: Siberian School of Geosciences Russian Science Foundation Grant
Associate Professor: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology named after V.V. Tuturina
Associate Professor, Senior Researcher: Department of History and Philosophy
Head of the Department: Department of Geoecology
Head of the Department: Department of Geoinformatics
Senior Teacher: Department of Ore Geology
Head of the Department: Department of Geophysics
Junior Researcher: Department of Geoinformatics
Associate Professor: Economics and Digital Business Technology Department Lab
Associate Professor, Senior Researcher: Department of History and Philosophy
Associate Professor, Senior Researcher: Department of History and Philosophy
Senior Lecturer: Siberian School of Geosciences Russian Science Foundation Grant
Head of the Department: Department of Education
Researcher: Department of Geoinformatics
Senior Teacher: Department of Geoinformatics
Senior Researcher: Department of Geophysics

Fees and funding

241 200 ₽
Per year

Entrance exams

Applicants should take the entrance exam in Russian or provide CEFR level B1, TORFL level 1 or equivalent to the Russian-taught program.

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