08.03.01 Construction

Land management, cadastre and land monitoring

3 years

About the program

This program aims to train highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, capable of independently conducting scientific research in the field of methods and technologies for accounting, registration and collection of information on the state of land resources, land management, land monitoring, as well as assessment and management of land resources.

The program is taught using modern educational and research methods and technologies.

Scientific research is conducted on the basis of the Department of Expertise and Real Estate Management.
The scientific content of the postgraduate program corresponds to the passport of the scientific specialty 1.6.15. "Land management, cadastre and land monitoring", approved in accordance with the established procedure by the Higher Attestation Commission of Russia

Learning outcomes

  • Readiness to conduct research, utilize scientific and practical foundations in the field of land management, cadastre and land monitoring for preparing a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Sciences, as a scientific and qualification work containing new scientific results and propositions;
  • Ability to apply modern information and communication technologies in the field of environmental management;
  • Ability to build mathematical models to describe the qualitative and quantitative state of land and other types of natural resources.

Career opportunities

A wide range of career paths in industries related to construction, architecture, urban planning, economics, public administration, and information technology.
Key employers of graduates and program implementation partners, in addition to the Irkutsk National Research Technical University:
• Specialized research organizations
• Cadastral and appraisal organizations
• Organizations involved in the development of urban planning documentation
• Departments for the management of land and property complexes of industrial, resource extraction, and other enterprises
• State executive bodies
• Local self-government bodies
Employment in enterprises and organizations whose activities are related to geodesy, cartography, construction, economics, urban studies: Rosreestr Office for Irkutsk Region; Architecture Service of Irkutsk Region; Ministry of Property Relations of Irkutsk Region; Committee on Urban Development Policy of Irkutsk City Administration.

Fees and funding

218 900 ₽
Per year

Entrance exams

Applicants take the following entrance exams:
- English/Russian language.
- A special discipline related to the field of postgraduate program.

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