About us

Knowledge through activities

Siberian School of Geosciences is an international research institute of INRTU and a large corporation in the field of mineral exploration and environmental protection at the same time.

The SSG research program is aimed at improving the methodology for the development of the mineral resource base for a range of minerals in demand in difficult geological, economic, environmental and infrastructural conditions. Carrying out prospecting and exploration of minerals, the Institute tries not to cause unnecessary damage to the environment and has excellent expertise in research and protection of unique ecosystems, which deservedly ranks in the top 200 of the UI Green Metric world ranking.

The Institute implements Russian- and English-taught Bachelor's, Specialist's and Postgraduate programs in Information Systems and Technologies, Geology, Hydrogeology, Geophysics, Geoinformatics, Drilling.

Siberian School of Geosciences, together with the partners of INRTU in the i.GeoDesign consortium, is the main implementer of the strategic project of the same name within the framework of the Priority 2030 program. Within the framework of the project, large-scale scientific research is being conducted and original educational programs are being implemented to achieve the University's ambitions to become one of the leading academic organisations in geosciences, environment and subsoil use in the markets of Russia, Eastern Eurasia, and Africa.

SSG staff and students conduct many scientific and industrial expeditions in the territory from Karelia and the Kola Peninsula to Kamchatka, and from the Arctic to Southeast Asia. INRTU students not only gain real experience, but they can also make a real career in Geology without leaving the Institute. During their studies, they grow from laboratory research assistants in junior courses to engineers and project managers in senior courses. SSG academic partners are leading Russian and international universities holding top positions of international rankings, and SSG implements joint research and student exchange programs with them.

Educational programs

Training period
Training period
5 years
Training period
5 years
Training period
5 years
Training period
5 years
Training period
5 years
Training period
Training period
3 years
Training period
3 years

Our Structure

Key Personnel

Anna Lanko
Head of the Department: Department of Education
Researcher: Department of Geoinformatics
Senior Teacher: Department of Geoinformatics
Sergei Gachenko
Head of the Department: Department of Geoinformatics
Konstantin Konstantinov
Head of the Department: Department of Geophysics
Ivan Verkhozin
Professor: Department of Education
Head of the Department:
Olga Kachor
Head of the Department: Department of Geoecology
Larisa Auzina
Associate Professor: Siberian School of Geosciences Russian Science Foundation Grant
Head of the Laboratory: Siberian School of Geosciences Russian Science Foundation Grant
Svetlana Khristova
Assistant Director of Marketing and Project Training Department: Siberian School of Geosciences
Vera Darkhanova
Deputy head of the Department of Internal and External Communications : Siberian School of Geosciences
Ivan Goryachev
Head of the Department: Department of Ore Geology

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