The task of spreading historical knowledge is responsible and honorable. Deep knowledge of the past allows you to confidently navigate the present and build a meaningful future. Interpretation of past events is very important for the reasoned justification of public and personal plans. The repository of the richest experience is the history of science and technology, the appeal to which has always helped and will continue to help the good of people. Many generations of scientists, thinkers, researchers, inventors, theorists and practitioners have formed a chain of scientific continuity that deserves systematic reflection and study.
The purpose of postgraduate studies is to train highly qualified scientific personnel capable of conducting research on the history of science and technology, independently set and solve current scientific problems, promptly take into account the achievements of colleagues, transfer knowledge on the history of science and technology to the public and the research community. The Researches are welcome with a clear and convincing logic for the presentation of the material, with well-reasoned generalizations and detailed conclusions.
3 years
About the program
Learning outcomes
- The postgraduate study program provides for the study of a number of disciplines, the comprehensive development of research methodology and the passing of the candidate's minimum exams in the history and philosophy of science, in a foreign language.
- The training program provides for the pre-defense of the candidate's thesis.
- At the end of the training, the graduate student receives a state-issued diploma, which gives the right to teach in higher educational institutions, as well as professionally carry out research activities.
- It is assumed that the graduate student will firmly master three levels of methods of scientific cognition: general scientific, general historical and concrete historical. General scientific methods of cognition: induction and deduction, progress from the abstract to the concrete, analysis and synthesis, description and measurement, explanation, analogy, comparison. At the general historical level, it is assumed to rely on the principles of historicism and objectivity, paying special attention to the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships of events and processes. Out of a wide range of concrete historical methods, historical-genetic, historical-comparative, historical-systemic methods seem to be particularly productive.
- The postgraduate study program provides for independent work on dissertation research in the field of historical sciences
Career opportunities
Mastering the program "History of Science and Technology" prepares graduate students for the effective solution of professional tasks in educational institutions of higher education, specialized academic institutes and other research institutes; archives, museums; other organizations and cultural institutions; in expert and analytical centers, public and state organizations of information and analytical profile, as well as for comprehensive building a personal career. Graduate students have the opportunity to creatively and systematically use the scientific and technical experience of mankind in their professional career, reliably rely on solid knowledge of the laws of the development of science and technology. Graduates of this postgraduate program are advised to take into account and indicate the information of the latest publications characterizing the ge neral level of comprehension of specific plots.
1 semester
1 year
3 semester
2 year
5 semester
3 year
Program academic supervisor
Teaching staff
Fees and funding
Entrance exams
Applicants take the following entrance exams:
- English/Russian language.
- A special discipline related to the field of postgraduate program.
- English/Russian language.
- A special discipline related to the field of postgraduate program.
Contact us
+7 (395) 240-52-15
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