13.04.01 Heat power engineering and heating engineering

Technology of Electric and Thermal Energy Generation

2 years

About the program

The program is aimed at training specialists - future leaders of the energy industry, capable of making well-grounded effective organizational and technological decisions.
The training is carried out by highly qualified teaching staff from among the professors and associate professors of the Department of Heat Power Engineering in cooperation with the Institute of Energy Systems of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Sciences (ISEM SB RAS) and leading energy enterprises. Students gain knowledge, as well as practical skills through research and design activities in the field of operation, management and improvement of the efficiency of heat and power systems, the fuel and energy complex, modern methods of designing thermal power plants, optimization of operating modes and effective methods of improving the environmental safety of energy enterprises , improvement of diagnostic methods and extension of the resource of heat and power equipment.
For training, the equipment of laboratories is used: "Mathematical modeling in an engineering experiment", "Laboratory for diagnostics and control of metals", "Laboratory for research of operating modes of heat and power equipment" and others.

Learning outcomes

  • Skills of critical analysis, are guided in the prospects for the development of the energy industry, methods of improving technological processes;
  • Proficiency in modern methods of designing energy enterprises;
  • Knowledge of modern principles, methods and tools for managing the development and operation of energy enterprises in modern market conditions;
  • Possession of the technologies for implementing the strategy of creating environmentally friendly industries;
  • Creation of high-tech and competitive products of scientific activity.

Career opportunities

The program is in demand among graduates of bachelors in the field of "Heat power engineering and heat engineering", as well as employees of energy enterprises wishing to continue their studies at the next level of education with the prospect of career growth. Graduates of the master's program are in demand in engineering and managerial positions in energy enterprises engaged in the production, transmission and distribution of heat and electric energy, in large industrial enterprises, in design and commissioning organizations. Also, graduates of the program are in demand in research institutes to continue their studies in postgraduate studies in heat and power engineering.
Students successfully combine their studies with work at heat and power plants.


Program academic supervisor

Teaching staff

Fees and funding

213 600 ₽
Per year

Entrance exams

Applicants take the special discipline related to the field of master's degree program in Russian language.

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