Department of Automation and Control

Department of Automation and Control has been training specialists at University since 1961. Nowadays the Department successfully conducts professional training of bachelors, masters and PHD students. The Department itself consists of 3 sections: automation of production processes, innovation; quality management. In a training period, our students have the opportunity to consolidate their knowledge during the internship in various leading companies in Eastern Siberia and the Far East, with further employment prospects after graduation. Among them: Sayanskkhimplast, RUSAL, ANKhK, Angarsk Oil Refinery, Maslozhirkombinat, Gazpromdobyc

Key personnel

Teaching staff

Educational programs

Training period
Training period
4 years
Training period
Training period
2 years
Training period
Training period
3 years
Training period
3 years

Research projects

  • Automation control system for the desorption of gold from activated carbons of "Volunistiy Mine"

  • Automation control system for the main technological processes in gold ores processing at Plastovskaya group of companies Yuzuralzoloto

  • Innovation technology for complex extraction of precious and non-ferrous metals from poor and stubborn gold ores of deposits of the Southern Ural

  • Development of architectural and planning solutions for creation of environmentally friendly tourist and recreational arrangements in the specially protected natural territories of the Republic of Buryatia

  • Research of the specific surface of dispersed materials of various nature

New releases

Sayanskkhimplast is a modern and dinamically developing company, leading chemical complex in production and sale of PVC and providing more than 45% of the total volume of its production in Russia. Sayanskkhimplast has been on the Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Market for 25 years and hundreds of companies have already chosen Sayanskkhimplast as their trading partner.
Alrosa is a public diamond mining company. Founded in 1992, Alrosa is a world leader in diamond production, as well as the largest vertically integrated company in the industry. In 2020, the company produced 30 million carats of rough diamonds, revenue amounted to almost $ 3 billion.
Alrosa's mining assets are located in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Arkhangelsk Region.
Since its foundation, Alrosa has been paying great attention to sustainable development issues and implementing many social and environmental initiatives. In 2021, the company became a member of the UN Global Compact.
Company Group Yuzhuralzoloto
Company Group Yuzhuralzoloto (JSC "YuGK") − one of the largest gold mining enterprises in Russia in terms of production and reserves. All the Group's enterprises are located in the Russian Federation. The extraction of gold-bearing ore is carried out both underground and open-pit. The company's assets include deposits in the Chelyabinsk region (operating − Svetlinskoye, Kochkarskoye, Bereznyakovskoye, Western Kurasan, as well as licenses for geological exploration and pilot production. The Group is also developing placer gold deposits in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (LLC AS "Priisk Drazhny", LLC "Sovrudnik").

Outstanding graduates

Viktor Kruglov
Sayanskkhimplast / President
graduate of 1977
Vyacheslav Grigoryev
Siberian Research, Construction and Design Institute and the aluminum electrode industry (Ltd. "SibVAMI") / General director
graduate of 2001
Grigory Voiloshnikov
Irkutsk research institute of precious and rare metals and diamonds (Irgiredmet) / Deputy General Director for Innovation
graduate of 1979