4 years
About the program
The program involves the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel in the field of science, engaged in the theoretical development and practical implementation of methods for assessing the quality and improving the properties of raw materials for the production of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals, technologies and designs of ore, fuel and other preparation units necessary for the production of metals and their alloys, materials, theoretical foundations for the production of metals and alloys in various aggregates based on the study of the patterns of the solid and liquid state of various systems, mass and heat transfer, solid-state processes, melting and crystallization of melts, fuel combustion, processes for the formation of by-products, in order to develop new approaches and the creation of new principles and methods of industrial production that make it possible to obtain metals and alloys of higher quality, significantly reduce the consumption of material and energy resources, and significantly reduce pressure on the environment.
Learning outcomes
- The results of mastering the disciplines are aimed at developing readiness for independent research and teaching activities based on the ability to generate new ideas and search for non-standard solutions in professional activities.
- The results of scientific (research) activities are aimed at preparing publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals, including journals from the List of publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, as well as those included in the international databases Scopus, Web of Science; applications for patents for inventions and other types of intellectual activity and passing candidate exams; for the preparation of a dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences.
Career opportunities
Postgraduats of the program can carry out professional activities in the following organizations and institutions:
educational organizations;
research organizations and branch research institutes;
industrial enterprises engaged in the research and production of non-ferrous metals and alloys, as well as the processing of technogenic raw materials.
educational organizations;
research organizations and branch research institutes;
industrial enterprises engaged in the research and production of non-ferrous metals and alloys, as well as the processing of technogenic raw materials.
1 semester
1 year
3 semester
2 year
Pedagogical practiceModern educational technologiesComputer technologies in educationEconomic justification of engineering and technical solutionsMathematical methods in scientific researchPedagogy in higher educationMethodology of scientific researchGeneral scientific methodology in dissertation research
5 semester
3 year
Program academic supervisor
Teaching staff
Fees and funding
Entrance exams
Applicants take the following entrance exams:
- English/Russian language.
- A special discipline related to the field of postgraduate program.
- English/Russian language.
- A special discipline related to the field of postgraduate program.
Contact us
+7 (395) 240-52-15
Contact us