Department of Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals

The Department of Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals is the oldest and most respected department of the School of High Technologies in INRTU. The opening of the department coincided with the rapid development of the gold mining industry in Siberia and Transbaikalia in the pre-war years. In general, for more than 90 years of history, the Department of Metallurgy of Non-ferrous Metals has had a significant impact on the development and improvement of the production of light, precious and rare metals and silicon in Siberia, Transbaikalia, the Far North and the Far East. Currently, the Department provides training for students in Metallurgy (bachelor's degree - full-time, part-time, master's degree - full-time). During the training period students have the opportunity to implement their knowledge during the practice at industrial enterprises and research organizations in Irkutsk and Chelyabinsk regions, the Far East, Khabarovsk and Krasnoyarsk Territories, the Kola Peninsula, etc. with a further prospect of employment after graduation

Key personnel

Educational programs

Training period
Training period
4 years
Training period
Training period
2 years
Training period
Training period
4 years

Research projects

  • Physico-chemical study of regularities in hydrometallurgical processing of fluorocarbon-containing technogenic raw materials of aluminum production by mathematical modeling methods
  • Investigation of the distribution of emissions of fluorine, aluminum, beryllium and benzapyrene compounds in the snow cover during the aluminum production of “RUSAL” Bratsk
  • Conducting analytical studies of the composition and properties of materials for galvanic gilding
  • Technology development for the preparation of a charge from gas purification sludge for the silicon production

New releases

RUSAL is a leading company in the global aluminum industry, the largest producer of aluminum with a low carbon footprint. For the production of more than 90% of the company's aluminum, electricity from renewable sources is used, and the introduction of innovative and energy-saving technologies allows reducing greenhouse gas emissions at all production stages. This allowed RUSAL to be one of the first in the world to start producing "green" metal, which the company released to the market under the ALLOW brand.
Norilsk Nickel
Norilsk Nickel is the leader of the mining and metallurgical industry in Russia, one of the world's largest producers of nickel and palladium
In addition, Norilsk Nickel produces cobalt, rhodium, silver, gold, iridium, ruthenium, as well as selenium, tellurium and sulfur.
The main activities of the Group's enterprises are prospecting, exploration, extraction, enrichment and processing of minerals, production, marketing and sale of non-ferrous and precious metals.
Irgiredmet is a complex, dynamically developing engineering center, whose assets include successful work on hundreds of Russian and foreign deposits of precious, rare and non—ferrous metals and diamonds; dozens of designed, commissioned and reconstructed enterprises; hundreds of published scientific papers and implemented inventions.
Institute TOMS
The activity of Institute TOMS covers testworks in mineral processing, metallurgy of base and precious metals, development of design criteria, mining and geological audit and consulting, design and construction of processing plants and facilities for extraction of all kinds of hard minerals, engineering works, process maintenance.
Polymetal is a top-10 global gold producer and top-5 global silver producer with assets in Russia and Kazakhstan listed on the London Stock Exchange, Moscow Stock Exchange and Astana International Exchange. Polymetal has a portfolio of nine producing gold and silver mines and an impressive pipeline of future growth projects.
Polyus, Russian gold mining company
Polyus is the largest gold producer in Russia and one of the 5 leading global gold mining companies.
Polyus has the largest gold reserves in the world (proven and probable reserves according to the international classification amount to 104 million ounces) — the foundation for sustainable production growth.
The company's main enterprises are located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk and Magadan regions, as well as in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and include 5 operating mines, gold placers and a number of projects on construction and development.

Outstanding graduates

Evgeny Kuryanov
RUSAL Krasnoyarsk (UC RUSAL) / Managing Director
graduate of 2004
Vladimir Dementiev
Irgiredmet / the ex-General Director
graduate of 1969
Igor Volokhov
RUSAL Bratsk JSC / General Director
graduate of 1997