Department of Materials Science, Welding and Additive Technology

The Department of Materials Science, Welding and Additive Technology was established in 2001 by merging the Department of Welding Production and the Department of Material Science and Metal Technology and took its current name in 2021. While studying students can put their gained knowledge into practice during their internship at different companies of Irkutsk, Eastern Siberia and the Far East with the further prospect of employment in Russia.

Key personnel

Educational programs

Training period
Training period
4 years
Training period
Training period
2 years
Training period
Training period
4 years

Research projects

  • Development of technology for restoration of wheelset ridges of rolling stock at the enterprises of JSC Russian Railways
  • Development of equipment and technology for plasma surface hardening of locomotive wheel pairs ridges at Russian Railways enterprises
  • Development of technology for repair of three-ton dredge scoops for gold mining
  • Development of new compositions of wear-resistant rails for the conditions of Eastern Siberia 
  • Development of criteria for structural evaluation of rail material after welding of rail braids for trenchless track
  • Development of welding and heat treatment technology for titanium alloys for aviation applications
  • Development of wear-resistant surfacing restoration technology for rail ends
  • Development of new cold-resistant materials produced by additive technology
  • Development of equipment and technology for hybrid additive manufacturing.

New releases

Irkut Corporation, Irkutsk Aviation Plant (IAP)
It is one of the most modern and rapidly developing enterprises in the Russian machinery industry. Its capabilities allow it to perform the full cycle of operations, including design and technological preparation of new aircraft production, tooling manufacture, prototype and serial production, ground and flight testing, and after-sales service.
It is a gold mining holding that manages assets in the Bodaibo District of the Irkutsk Region. The company traces its history back to the middle of the 19th century when the first gold deposits in these areas were developed back in the 1840s. It is a part of the Polyus group of companies (the largest gold producer in Russia) as a part of Polyus Krasnoyarsk JSC.
Far Eastern Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Center
It is a part of Rosneft Group companies, it includes the main ship repair and shipbuilding production facilities of the Far Eastern Federal District.
It has high-tech, high-performance equipment made in the USA, Japan, Germany, France, Italy for cutting, drilling, welding, assembling, shot blasting and corrosion protection of metal structures of any complexity with quality that satisfies the requirements of Russian standards.
RUSAL Bratsk Aluminum Smelter
It is the largest aluminum smelter in Russia and one of the largest in the world. It produces 30% of aluminum in Russia and 4% of world one. It is part of the RUSAL aluminum company.
Russian aluminum industry traces its roots back to the 19th century. RUSAL has in fact become the legal successor of the Russian and Soviet aluminum industry. It has united leading aluminum producers as well as the industry's powerful scientific and research potential giving a boost in its development in the 21st century. The application of its own state-of-the-art technologies, many of which are unparalleled anywhere in the world, and the development of unique products made RUSAL the industry's leader in innovation. IrkAZ-SUAL is located in Shelekhov, Irkutsk Region.
Railway Research Institute
It сonducts fundamental research to determine a general strategy for the development of railway transport based on a comprehensive assessment of its technical level and projected future traffic volumes.
Russian Railways
It is an owner and operator of the infrastructure of the Russian railroad network, 100% of the company is owned by the state.
Angarsk Oil and Gas Company, Scientific and Research Center
It is a subsidiary of Rosneft, the leader of the Russian oil industry and the largest public oil and gas corporation in the world.Working in Rosneft's production chain allows the company to optimize the processes of obtaining raw materials, selling finished products, and minimizing costs. Petrochemists have access to the Company's extensive investment and scientific resources. In terms of volume and depth of refining Angarsk Oil and Gas Company is among the 10 largest oil refineries in the country.
It manages one of the largest energy systems in Russia, it is the leader of the Siberian electric power industry. It ranks 3rd in all-Russian electricity generation and 2nd in heat generation. Irkutskenergo Angarsky hydroelectric power chain operates on Lake Baikal (the world's largest lake) outflow with an average annual hydropower potential of over 40 billion kWh.
Irkutsk Relay Plant
It is an enterprise specializing in the development and production of switching equipment products (electromagnetic relays; ribbon, combined and radio frequency connectors; small-size switches).
This modern plant is a scientific and production complex, where the scientific and technical center actively and fruitfully operates. The manufacturing workshops (assembly, mechanical, electroplating, tooling, plastic products) work smoothly and efficiently.