

Education, degrees
Philology, Irkutsk State University
Continuing education
Linguodidactic testing: Procedure and methodology for testing at the levels of A1, A2, B1, B2 (assessment), testing for admission to the citizenship of the Russian Federation, methodology for conducting an integration exam in the Russian language, history of Russia and the basics of legislation, St. Petersburg State University


1. Diploma for long-term and conscientious work in teaching Mongolian students from the Consulate General of Mongolia in Irkutsk - 2013 2. In connection with the 90th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations with the Mongolian People's Republic, she was awarded the badge "Honorary Worker of Education of the Mongolian People's Republic". (2021)


1. Culture of public speaking - Irkutsk: IRNITU, 2012
2. Textbook on the Russian language, the history of Russia, the basics of the legislation of the Russian Federation (for foreign citizens)/ N.N. Rogoznaya, L.L. Erbaeva, I.V. Golovchenko, D.E. Zamanstanchuk. - Irkutsk: IRNITU, 2017 - 278 p.
3.    A comparative innovative model for the analysis of phonofernts in the field of consonantism (based on the Russian speech of the Mongols) Rogoznaya N.N., Erbaeva L.L. Philological sciences. Questions of theory and practice. 2018. No. 9-1 (87). S. 153-158.
4.    The functioning of the verbs of movement in the Russian speech of the Mongols in the aspect of intermediate competence Erbaeva L.L. Vestnik of the Buryat State University. 2009. No. 10. S. 122-125.
5.     Hydrogen technologies in the energy supply system of the housing and com-munal sector I I Baldukhaeva1, A A Baldynova2, L L Erbaeva2 and V V Zudaeva3 Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd