20.03.01 Technosphere safety

Environmental Protection and Resource Conservation

4 years

About the program

The Bachelor's program combines fundamental training in science and engineering disciplines with a focus on the environmental aspects of technology and innovative approaches to solving environmental problems. As part of the programme, students have the opportunity to engage in scientific work on the development of advanced technologies to improve the quality of the environment and increase the completeness of the use of natural resources.

Learning outcomes

  • Ability to take part in research on environmental and conservation issues.
  • Knowledge of normative legal acts on environmental safety, methods and tools to protect people and environment from anthropogenic and natural hazards, rules of rationing hazards and anthropogenic impact on natural

Career opportunities

Graduates can work in: environmental and natural resources protection services; industrial enterprises; environmental monitoring laboratories; wastewater treatment plants; regulatory bodies; scientific, engineering and expert organizations; economic departments of enterprises related to assessment of natural resources, calculation of damages and payment for natural resources; public and international public organizations (Siberian Energy Scientific and Technical Center; Irkutsk branch of RN-Burenie, Federal Service for Nature Management Control, City Administration of Irkutsk region, of Natural Resources and Ecology of Irkutsk region). Among former graduates of the specialty are ministers and deputy ministers of natural resources of a number of regions, employees of foreign companies, large industrial enterprises of the country, which indicates a wide range of knowledge obtained during the education.


Program academic supervisor

Teaching staff

Associate Professor: Department of Advanced Geology, Geophysics and Geoinformation Systems
Head of the Laboratory: Geological, Hydrological and Engineering-Geological Processes Modeling Lab
Associate Professor: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology named after V.V. Tuturina
Associate Professor, Senior Researcher: Department of History and Philosophy
Head of the Department: Department of Geo-Ecology
Associate Professor: Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology named after V.V. Tuturina
Associate Professor, Senior Researcher: Department of History and Philosophy
Associate Professor, Senior Researcher: Department of History and Philosophy

Fees and funding

200 300 ₽
Per year

Entrance exams

Applicants take a computer entrance exam in Russian or provide CEFR level B1, TORFL level 1 or equivalent to the Russian-taught program.

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