03.06.01 Physics and Astronomy

Devices and Methods of Experimental Physics

4 years

About the program

Devices and methods of experimental physics is a universal scientific specialty that is relevant in any field of physics involving experimental and theoretical research aimed at developing new instruments, principles and methods of physical measurements. Postgraduate students work on studying of physical phenomena and processes that can be used to create fundamentally new instruments and methods of experimental physics. It focuses on mathematical and physical modeling, studying of fundamental limitations on measurement accuracy. The technical aspects of specialty are concerned with creation of new experimental installations, apparatus complexes, scientific equipment and devices, and automation of a physical experiment and mathematical processing of experimental results. Much attention is paid to mathematical modeling, the creation of new techniques and algorithms for processing of experimental data and their physical interpreting.

Learning outcomes

  • Ability to organize and implement experimental research;
  • Practical skills in programming and scientific data processing;
  • Practical skills in designing and creation of equipment for physical measurements;
  • Knowledge of physical principles of measurements;
  • Competences in the field of research of the properties of materials and the environment.

Career opportunities

Upon graduation, postgraduate students defend a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Sciences. The degree of candidate of technical sciences is conferred for the creation of new experimental facilities, the development of scientific equipment and instruments for physical research, containing original technical solutions. The degree of candidate of physical and mathematical sciences is conferred for the development of new directions and methods of physical research and measurements of physical quantities, methods of mathematical processing of experimental results and modeling of physical phenomena and processes. Scientific degree gives an opportunity to work in the technological, research and production and design departments of high-tech modern industries, factories for the production of modern instruments and equipment, in academic and industry research institutes and universities, teaching in higher educational institutions.

Program academic supervisor

Fees and funding

218 900 ₽
Per year

Entrance exams

Applicants take the following entrance exams:
- English/Russian language.
- A special discipline related to the field of postgraduate program.

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