

Candidate of Sciences (PhD), Geological and Mineralogical Sciences


Education, degrees
Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Irkutsk Polytechnical Institute
Language training course at the University of Nebraska (in Omaha, USA) , JFDP (Fulbright) program under American Information Agency
Professional internship (in the field of environmental hydrogeology) at the University of South Carolina (USA), University of South Carolina
English for Special Purposes (Scientific Communication), Interregional Center for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Specialists of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education INRTU


Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science RF, 2010 Title "Veteran of Labor", 2010



Professional Interests

1. Seminsky K.Zh., Tugarina M.A. Features of the underground hydrosphere of the western shoulder of the Baikal rift: the results of hydrogeological studies along the profile of the village. Bayandai - Cape Krestovsky. Reports of the Academy of Sciences, 2011, v. 439, No. 6, pp. 775-779. (Presented by Academician Yu.M. Pushcharovsky).
2. Seminsky K.Zh., Tugarina M.A. Results of complex studies of the underground hydrosphere of the western shoulder of the Baikal rift (on the example of the section of Bayandai settlement - Krestovsky m.) // Geodynamics & Tectonophysics (electronic journal IZK SB RAS). 2011. Vol.2. ISSUE 2.p.126-144.
3. Vrba Y., Borchuluun U., Buyanhishig N., Plyusnin A.M., Tugarina M.A. Groundwater Resources in Shallow Transboundary Aquifers in the Lake Baikal Basin: Current State of Knowledge, Protection and Management. Report for the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis of the Lake Baikal Basin. (UNESCO report on the state of groundwater in the Lake Baikal basin, 2014). Published by UNESCO-IHP, September 2013. 71 p.
4.Tugarina M.A., Seminsky K.Zh., Borchuluun U. Structural and hydrogeological complexes: / M.A. Tugarin et al. // Ecological atlas of the Baikal region / Editorial board: V.M. Plyusnin (previous), A.R. Batuev and others - Irkutsk: Institute of Geography named after V.B. Sochavy SB RAS, Institute of System Dynamics and Control Theory. V.M. Matrosov SB RAS. - 2017. - [Electronic resource of the geoportal]: Map 35. - Access mode: http://atlas.isc.irk.ru.
5. M.A. Tugarina and O.G. Lopatovskaya. Influence of Mineral Sources on Formation of Soils in the Foothills of Eastern Sayan Mountains (Buryatia). Jornal IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Link to publication in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science - https://iopscience.iop.org/issue/1755-1315/408/1. doi: 10.1088 / 1755-1315 / 408/1/012068.
SPIN-RSCI: 1115-0301