Anatoly Malykhin
Associate Professor: Schools and Departments, Department of Physical Education (since 2017)


Candidate of Sciences (PhD), Technical Sciences


Education, degrees
Fire fighting equipment and safety, Higher Engineering Fire-Technical School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR
Continuing education
Modern theoretical and methodological approaches to the organization of the training process, Federal State Budgetary Institution of the Professional Educational Organization
Modern pedagogical technologies in the educational process in physical culture and sports in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, Irkutsk National Research Technical University
Modern requirements for the design of the educational process and the formation of anti-doping competencies of students in the classroom in physical culture and sports at the university, Irkutsk National Research Technical University
Pedagogical and psychological aspects of the organization of inclusive vocational education for persons with disabilities and disabled people, Irkutsk National Research Technical University
Training teachers in first aid skills, Irkutsk National Research Technical University
Training and advanced training of employees of evacuation bodies of organizations, Courses of Civil Defense Municipal state institution of the city of Irkutsk


Badge Honorary Officer of the Ministry of the Interior 01.11.2004 Badge The best worker of the fire department 11.04.1996 Badge For fidelity to duty 24.09.2002 Medal For Valor and Courage in a Fire 30.04.2014 Medal For Valor in Service 07.04.2003 Medal For Combat Commonwealth 19.10.2009 Medal For irreproachable service III degree 08.10.1986 Medal For Impeccable Service II Class 06.10.1990 Medal for Impeccable Service, 1st Class 11.10.1995 Combat Veteran Medal 28.04.2006
1. Balashov A.V., Struganov S.M., Chenchikovsky A.D., Malykhin A.V. Influence of physical education methods on adaptation of the body of law enforcement officers to extreme situations of professional activity // Uchenye zapiski universiteta im. P.F. Lesgaft. - 2021. - No. 4 (194). DOI 10.34835/issn.2308-1961.2021.4.p. 36-40.
2. Hypoxic training as a way to correct physical performance / S. M. Struganov, P. A. Sankov, V. A. Glubokiy [et al.] // Uchenye zapiski universiteta im. P.F. Lesgaft. - 2021. - No. 11 (201). S. 440-446. DOI 10.34835/issn.2308-1961.2021.11.p.440-446.
3. Struganov S. M., Gavrilov D. A., Pakhomov A. N., Malykhin A. V. Influence of temperament on the choice of specialization in sports // Uchenye zapiski universiteta im. P.F. Lesgaft. - 2021. No. 7 (197). S. 354-358. DOI 10.34835/issn.2308-1961.2021.7.p.354-358.
4. Struganov, S. M., Yakushev, E. V., Malykhin, A. V. Features of power training planning in the training process of qualified athletes // Kant. - 2021. No. 1 (38). S. 339-344. DOI 10.24923/2222-243X.2021-38.71.
SPIN-RSCI: 7662-0425