Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

The history of the Department began in 2011 as a result of the merger of the Department of "Water Supply, Sanitation, Protection and Rational use of Water resources" and the Department of "Heat Supply, Ventilation and protection of the air basin". In 2022, the major "Design, construction and operation of oil and gas pipelines and oil and gas storage facilities" was opened. Graduates of the Department work in scientific, educational and design institutes, in organizations for the installation, commissioning and operation of heat and gas supply systems, ventilation and heating of residential and industrial buildings as well as the water utilities of the Irkutsk region cities, design and construction organizations of various directions, enterprises of Eastern Siberia, Buryatia, the Republic of Sakha Yakutia, Transbaikalia. Master's and postgraduate programs are open by the teaching staff of the Department.

Key personnel

Educational programs

Training period
Training period
Training period
4 years

New releases

Siberian Design Institute LLC
During its 30-year history, the "Siberian Design Institute" has accumulated considerable experience in civil engineering. The company  offers its services to all those who seek a competent, professional approach to design and construction. The Siberian Design Institute has built more than 750 projects that have decorated not only Irkutsk but also the other cities of the region.
Angarsk Polymer Plant
Angarsk Polymer Plant is the largest producer of polymer materials in Siberia, offers the following types of goods for trade, agriculture, packaging and construction.
Angarsk Polymer Plant is a petrochemical enterprise in Eastern Siberia, annually produces 200 thousand tons of ethylene, 100 thousand tons of propylene and 60 thousand tons of benzene.
PJSC Gazprom
Gazprom is a global energy company. The main activities are the following: geological exploration, production, transportation, storage, processing and sale of gas, gas condensate and oil, sale of gas as motor fuel, as well as the production and sale of heat and electricity.
Melentiev Energy Systems Institute of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
It is a research institute of scientific interest in theory of creation and management of energy systems, complexes and installations, scientific basis and mechanisms for implementation of energy policy of Russia and its regions, including ensuring reliability of fuel and energy supply and energy security.

Outstanding graduates

Dmitry Berdnikov
Irkutsk City Administration / russian politician, mayor of Irkutsk 2015-2020
graduate of 1988
Andrey Tatarinov
Gazprom Dobycha Irkutsk LLC / General Director
graduate of 1987
Anatoly Nikitin
Government of the Irkutsk region / Minister of Housing Policy and Energy of the Irkutsk Region
graduate of 1982