Elena Nikolaeva
Associate Professor:
School of Aircraft Construction, Mechanical Engineering and Transport,
Department of Materials Science, Welding and Additive Technology (since 2005)
Research and Publications
Candidate of Sciences (PhD), Technical Sciences
Education, degrees
Physical and chemical research methods, Irkutsk National Research Technical University
Continuing education
Mechanical engineering, Irkutsk National Research Technical University
Aerospace materials
Program: Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (Master's degree)
Department: Department of Technology and Equipment for Machine-Building Production
Program: Advanced Manufacturing Technologies (Master's degree)
Department: Department of Technology and Equipment for Machine-Building Production
Educational foresight
Program: Equipment and technology of welding production (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Materials Science, Welding and Additive Technology
Program: Equipment and technology of welding production (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Materials Science, Welding and Additive Technology
Material Science
Program: Mechanical Engineering Technology (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Technology and Equipment for Machine-Building Production
Program: Mechanical Engineering Technology (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Technology and Equipment for Machine-Building Production
Materials for additive technologies
Program: Digital, Additive Technologies in Welding Production (Master's degree)
Department: Department of Materials Science, Welding and Additive Technology
Program: Digital, Additive Technologies in Welding Production (Master's degree)
Department: Department of Materials Science, Welding and Additive Technology
Materials for innovative technologies
Program: Equipment and technology of welding production (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Materials Science, Welding and Additive Technology
Program: Equipment and technology of welding production (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Materials Science, Welding and Additive Technology
Materials science
Program: Materials Science (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Materials Science, Welding and Additive Technology
Program: Materials Science (Postgraduate)
Department: Department of Materials Science, Welding and Additive Technology
New construction materials
Program: Designing Control Systems for Technological Processes and Equipment (Master's degree)
Department: Department of Automation and Control
Program: Designing Control Systems for Technological Processes and Equipment (Master's degree)
Department: Department of Automation and Control
New construction materials
Program: Food Engineering (Master's degree)
Department: Department of Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals
Program: Food Engineering (Master's degree)
Department: Department of Metallurgy of Non-Ferrous Metals
new construction materials
Program: Theory of designing equipment for oil and gas processing, petrochemical and chemical industries (Master's degree)
Department: Department of Chemical Technology named after N.I. Yaropolov
Program: Theory of designing equipment for oil and gas processing, petrochemical and chemical industries (Master's degree)
Department: Department of Chemical Technology named after N.I. Yaropolov
Physical fundamentals of laser technologies
Program: Digital, Additive Technologies in Welding Production (Master's degree)
Department: Department of Materials Science, Welding and Additive Technology
Program: Digital, Additive Technologies in Welding Production (Master's degree)
Department: Department of Materials Science, Welding and Additive Technology
Physico-chemical processes during welding
Program: Equipment and technology of welding production (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Materials Science, Welding and Additive Technology
Program: Equipment and technology of welding production (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Materials Science, Welding and Additive Technology
1. Nikolaeva E., Mashukov A. Evaluation of Residual Stresses in High-Pressure Valve Seat Surfacing. In: Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2017. Vol. 53(7-8). pp. 459-463.
2. Nikolaeva E. P. Special Case of Destruction of the End Mill Made of HighSpeed Steel Powder (2020) IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 969 012002 DOI 10.1088/1757-899X/969/1/012002.
3. Nikolaeva E, Chapyshev A, Spitsyn A, Technological Characteristics of Production of Implants from Titanium and Alloys Based on it, Key Engineering Materials Submitted: Vol. 910, pp 314-320 (2022)
4. Nikolaeva E, Chapyshev A, Spitsyn A, Studying the Structure and Properties of the Material of Screws for Spinal Osteosynthesis, Materials Science Forum Submitted, Vol. 1052, pp 27-32 (2022)
2. Nikolaeva E. P. Special Case of Destruction of the End Mill Made of HighSpeed Steel Powder (2020) IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 969 012002 DOI 10.1088/1757-899X/969/1/012002.
3. Nikolaeva E, Chapyshev A, Spitsyn A, Technological Characteristics of Production of Implants from Titanium and Alloys Based on it, Key Engineering Materials Submitted: Vol. 910, pp 314-320 (2022)
4. Nikolaeva E, Chapyshev A, Spitsyn A, Studying the Structure and Properties of the Material of Screws for Spinal Osteosynthesis, Materials Science Forum Submitted, Vol. 1052, pp 27-32 (2022)
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