Visit to an art gallery

An art gallery can be described as walls full of mysteries, on it walls hang the strange, yet incredible imagination of human beings. On the 10th of December, I had the privilege of visiting the Center of Contemporary Art which opened an exhibition of works of neural networks called “deserted”. Other works on the following topics were presented, Deserted reality", "Faceless people", "Eternal memories", "Forgotten places", "Lost Faces", "Museums", "Houses", "Automated cities", "Invisible people", "Deserted environment", "Depopulation", "Inhumanity", "Future Opportunities", "Evolution", "The Future".

Lost faces

The concept of the exhibition is that in conditions when artificial intelligence takes a leading position in the development of mankind, it is necessary to rethink the role of man in the modern world. In the real sense, it is only logical to believe that artificial intelligence is fast becoming a substitute to mankind and years from now, human labor might go extinct. Artificial intelligence combines computer science and datasets to solve problems and perform tasks that normally require human intelligence that include natural language process, speech recognition and many more. 


However, if the main benefit of artificial intelligence is to “significantly reduce errors and increase accuracy and precision”, as a matter of fact. When programmed properly, these errors can be reduced to null, what then will be the fate of mankind? We cannot deny the fact that artificial intelligence has advantages ranging from streamlining, saving time, eliminating biases etc. but in terms of creativity in results, only mankind and human labor can achieve.

Deserted Environment 

The forgotten library 

Lunar express 

Out of mind ,out of space (external memories)