INRTU School of Subsurface Resource Management Held a Metrology Competition
On the eve of the World Metrology Day, which is celebrated on May 20, the Department of Mining Machines and Electromechanical Systems of INRTU organized a competition on standardization and certification. 25 students of the School of Subsurface Resource Management showed interest in the intellectual tournament.
The purpose of the event is to test the knowledge of second-year students in the discipline “Metrology, standardization and certification in mining”, to develop students' skills of independent work and creative thinking. Traditionally, the competition starts with a stage where the students make video presentations with a story about the role of metrology in their chosen professions. At the in-person round, students solve situational tasks.
According to Vitalii Khramovskikh, Head of the Department of Mining Machines and Electromechanical Systems, Professor of the discipline, students receive a full range of skills defined by the state standards of education. For the most effective assimilation of the curriculum, second-year students are offered to test their knowledge in practice.

“We form scientific and cognitive interest in mining students in the process of thematic games. Students learn to react quickly to changing circumstances, to generate ideas in teams, which allows them to learn the subject material better”, emphasized Vitalii Khramovskikh.
Alexey Shevchenko, Director of the School of Subsurface Resource Management, addressed the participants with encouraging words, noting the importance of metrics in technical and social projects.
The performances of the student teams were evaluated by Associate Professors Ivan Iov and Evgeny Dolgikh and Assistant Professor Kirill Nepomnyashchikh.
The first place with 75 points was taken by the OP-22-1 team (Timofei Leonov, Elena Maksimova, Elizaveta Tolstonogova, Sergey Presnyakov, Kirill Yankov). The second was the group GG-22-1 (Vitaly Zelent, Sergey Dansonorov, Ivan Vakulenko, Artem Resnyansky, Sergey Domnin), which scored 69 points.
OP-22-1 team (Timofei Leonov, Elena Maksimova, Elizaveta Tolstonogova, Sergey Presnyakov, Kirill Yankov) took the first place with 75 points. The second was the group GG-22-1 (Vitaly Zelent, Sergey Dansonorov, Ivan Vakulenko, Artem Resnyansky, Sergey Domnin), which scored 69 points.
According to Ivan Vakulenko, shooting a video about metrology helped the group to unite and remember the theory. The students used their knowledge to solve rebuses and crossword puzzles. In the course of the competition stages, INRTU students learned that accuracy and reliability of measurements are essential in the mining engineering profession and in everyday life.

“Metrology helps us to learn many processes and phenomena in a practical way. Every day we face the need to measure length, volume, weight or find out the time”, Ivan Vakulenko added.
Students of the Department of Mining Machines and Electromechanical Systems took the third place with 67 points. The group GA-22-1 was represented at the intellectual competition by Dmitry Andreenko, Egor Kazakov, Maxim Tubchinov, Maxim Mokhov and Danil Kuznetsov. Alexander Drievsky, Pavel Bezdeliev, Roman Nesterov, Maxim Shabaev and Yegor Filshin performed from the group GM-22-1.