INRTU Company which creates innovative building materials became a «Skolkovo» resident
«Tekhnocement» created by Sergey Makarenko, assistant professors of the Department of Construction Engineering, became a «Skolkovo» resident. The scientist works on the creation of building materials from industrial waste
Previously, the project was highly appreciated by the experts of the Foundation for Assistance to Innovations, providing Sergey Makarenko with a grant in the amount of 2 million rubles.
In cooperation with colleagues he offered the technology of industrial wastes and mineral raw materials reprocessing. This technology can allow getting high efficient composite kinds of binders (CCBB). They are widely used in the production of ready-mix concrete and prefabricated reinforced concrete constructions.
«Skolkovo» resident status provides an opportunity to receive financing in the form of mini-grants (up to 4 million rubles), tax incentives. Residents also have a possibility of finding industrial partners. «TekhnoCement» team plans to participate in Federal Targeted Programs (FTP), in the contest organized by the Ministry of Education and Science within the Decree № 218, which regulates the cooperation between universities, research institutions and businesses.
The project is at the stage of commercialization; the developers intend to enter the regional market and then promote the technology and finished products throughout Russia.
According to Sergey Makarenko, the project solves a number of strategic problems, including reducing environmental risks and the transition to a circular economy. In the process of one technological chain it is possible to recycle waste and create a new product with good performance characteristics, safe for people and the environment.

«The construction materials we have developed have high physical and mechanical properties. Strength, hardening rate, frost resistance and water resistance exceed the values of conventional concrete.
Cementless concretes on the market will cost 30% cheaper than cement and silicate products. There is also an opportunity to create an analogue of ceramic bricks - ash ceramics. We propose to eliminate the use of clinker component to reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere during the carbonate ores firing. Thus, having established a waste-free production, we will reduce the cost of the product without reducing its quality», - said Sergey Makarenko.
Sergey Makarenko expresses his gratitude to the university management for supporting this research area and creating favorable conditions for work.