38.06.01 Economics

Regional and Sectoral Economics

3 years

About the program

The program is aimed at training qualified industrial and scientific-pedagogical personnel. The aim of the training is to provide various spheres of regional and sectoral economy with scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, as well as highly qualified specialists-practitioners who have knowledge of modern scientific methods of economic analysis and managerial decision-making. This specialty covers methodological, methodological and applied issues of formation of economic systems, their management and forecasting of their development.
Research work is carried out under the supervision of the supervisor. The direction of research activities is determined in accordance with the topic of the thesis research.
Research activities involve the following types of work: performance of the supervisor's tasks in accordance with the content of research activities; participation in specialized scientific events (conferences of various levels, seminars, round tables, etc.); preparation of scientific publications; preparation of thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences for the defense.

Learning outcomes

  • Mastering the disciplines are aimed at preparing publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals (VAK, Scopus, Web of Science), applications for patents for inventions and passing the PhD examinations;
  • The results of scientific (research) activities are aimed at preparing a master's thesis for the defense.

Career opportunities

Postgaraduates of the program can carry out professional activity in following organizations and institutions: educational organizations; research organizations; production enterprises.

Program academic supervisor

Fees and funding

210 320 ₽
Per year

Entrance exams

Applicants take the following entrance exams:
- Russian language.
- A special discipline related to the field of postgraduate program.

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