Service to consumers of transport services

Able to manage the quality of the production activities of the enterprise in the field of transport and logistics

The goal of mastering the discipline

Acquisition of quality management skills for the production activities of an enterprise in the field of transport and logistics

The skills you get

  • offset

Topics covered

  • 1. Features of transport as a branch of the economy. 2. Customer service process 3. Segmentation of the transport services market. 4. System of marketing researches of the transport market. 5. Methods for promoting transport services. 6. Competition and interaction in the market of motor transport services

When instructed

  • 2nd year, 1st semester

List of references and sourses

1. Guidelines for independent work in the discipline "Marketing research in advertising and PR" [Electronic resource]: direction of preparation 42.03.01 "Advertising and public relations": undergraduate program "Advertising and public relations in social and business communications" : qualification bachelor / Irkut. nat. research tech. un-t, Institute of Economics, Law and Upr., Dept. management, 2018. - 9.
2. Lebedeva O. A. Marketing market research: a textbook for students of secondary specialized education / O. A. Lebedeva, N. I. Lygina, 2009. - 192.