
The course is structured around understanding and applying key concepts and models that identify  the  contemporary marketing. It involves not only understanding theoretical concepts but applying them in class to case studies, presentations and a team project to develop a bank marketing strategy for a cli-ent of bank business. Students will be involved not just by listening and absorbing concepts and frameworks but by delivering content sessions, conducting research on key issues and practices in the marketing of bank services and in applying the knowledge. The teaching methodology is based on the “active learning” educational paradigm that involves students in constructing their own learning experience and expose them to the collegial patterns present in work situation. Active learning offers an educational underpinning for the key workforce skills required in business: oral and written communication skills, listening skills, critical thinking, and problem solving.

The goal of mastering the discipline

The aim is to develop knowledge and understanding of key issues associated with marketing, skills in researching and analyzing  marketing opportunities.

The skills you get

  • describe the nature of marketing and its value for modern business;
  • explain the basic concepts, principles and practices associated with marketing;
  • know extant tools and practices of marketing
  • analyze marketing situations and make appropriate decisions

Topics covered

  • Introduction to Marketing
  • The Marketing Environment
  • Consumer Behavior: How People Make Buying Decisions
  • Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
  • Product Concepts and Decisions
  • Basic Pricing Concepts
  • Channels of Distributions
  • Promotion and Communication
  • Marketing Strategy: Planning and Executing

When instructed

  • 3rd year, 2nd semester

List of references and sourses

Kotler Ph., Armstrong G. Principles of Marketing. - Pearson, 2018