13.04.02 Electric power engineering and electrical engineering

Electrical Equipment for Oil and Gas Production and Transportation

2 years

About the program

The program aims to prepare masters for research and operational activities in the oil and gas industry. The electrical equipment of oil and gas facilities is a technically complex, high-tech segment, for high-quality service which requires highly qualified specialists. For the design and operation of technological units for the production and transportation of oil and gas, specialists are required with knowledge of the specifics of production, focused on working in limited conditions of autonomous maintenance of facilities. As a result of mastering the program, students receive in-depth knowledge and confident skills in working with power electrical equipment for the production and transportation of oil and gas, including microprocessor control systems. They have good training in microprocessor systems and technologies, automated control systems for drilling and transport electric drives, power supply for oil and gas enterprises, organization of repair and maintenance of oil and gas electrical equipment. For laboratory, practical work and in the im-plementation of scientific research works of masters, the equipment of laboratories of the Department of Electric Drive and Electric T

Learning outcomes

  • Gain in-depth knowledge and confident skills in working with power electrical equipment for oil and gas production and transportation, including microprocessor control systems;
  • Good training in microprocessor systems and technologies, automated control systems for drilling and transport electric drives;
  • Ability to solve problems of design, adjustment, installation and maintenance of domestic and imported electrical equipment.

Career opportunities

Graduates are in demand and successfully work at the enterprises of oil and gas production, metallurgical and energy, complexes.
Good professional training allows graduates to successfully compete in the choice of the type of activity, including participation in projects, performance of work on the creation and operation of automated electrical equipment used in installations for the extraction and transportation of oil and gas.
There is an opportunity to continue training in specialized master's programs, to obtain fundamental theoretical knowledge while undergoing postgraduate training.


Program academic supervisor

Fees and funding

213 600 ₽
Per year

Entrance exams

Applicants take the special discipline related to the field of master's degree program in Russian language.

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