13.03.02 Electric power engineering and electrical engineering

Electrical equipment and automation in manufacturing and energy industries

4 years

About the program

The basis of modern industrial and energy production is electrical installations in combination with automation devices, which together represent a technically complex, science-intensive segment, for high-quality service which requires highly qualified specialists with knowledge of the specifics of production. Currently, there is a large-scale development of the oil and gas complex, the expansion and technical re-equipment of woodworking enterprises, an increase in the production of products of the metallurgical industry, the strengthening of the role of the energy complex, the main supplier of energy resources. The specificity of the bachelor's profile is the study of modern digitally controlled electrical equipment for industrial enterprises and energy. The combination of power electronics, variable speed drives, low and high voltage electrical equipment, instrumentation and automation, microprocessor technology forms the basis of modern production.

Learning outcomes

  • can work on modern energy-intensive equipment with a high level of automation
  • can solve problems in the design, commissioning, installation and maintenance of domestic and imported electrical equipment
  • gain knowledge and skills in working with production industrial and power electrical equipment, including microprocessor control systems

Career opportunities

Trained specialists can work on modern energy-intensive equipment with a high level of automation, solve problems in the design, commissioning, installation and maintenance of domestic and imported electrical equipment. The level of training received in the course of training allows graduates of this profile to work both in energy and any other industrial enterprises. They are in demand and successfully work at enterprises of the aviation, metallurgical, timber processing, oil and gas production and energy complexes, urban infrastructure facilities: Irkut Corporation PJSC; Ilim Group; LLC Ilim Bratsk DOK, IrkAZ-SUAL, PJSC RUSAL Bratsk, PJSC Rosneft, LLC Irkutsk Oil Company, JSC EuroSibEnergo, JSC IESK, MUP Vodokanal, MUP Irkutskgortrans and dr.


Program academic supervisor

Fees and funding

200 300 ₽ *
Per year
*Part-time mode of study is also available. For the detailed information about tuition fee and the training period please contact International admission office

Entrance exams

Applicants take a computer entrance exam in Russian or provide CEFR level B1, TORFL level 1 or equivalent to the Russian-taught program.

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