Technological design of transport enterprises

Methodology for calculating the production program, the scope of maintenance work, diagnostics, current repairs, the distribution of annual volumes of work by zones and workshops of a motor transport enterprise. Calculation of the number of workers, the number of posts and the area of ​​industrial premises. Planning decisions of transport enterprise

The goal of mastering the discipline

the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities for calculating the production program and determining the areas, as well as the formation of skills and abilities for the implementation of planning decisions of motor transport enterprises

The skills you get

  • Able to perform technological design of motor transport enterprises

Topics covered

  • 1. Structure and composition of the production and technical base of enterprises 2. Task for the design of a transport enterprise. 3. Calculation of the payroll number of vehicles, the production program, the scope of maintenance, diagnostics, repairs, the number of workers of the transport enterprise, the number of posts and lines in the maintenance and current repair areas, the areas of production and storage facilities of the transport enterprise 3. Planning solutions for enterprises of various purposes and capacities 4. Communications of transport enterprises

When instructed

  • 4th year, 1st semester

List of references and sourses

1. Kolchin V.S. Technological design of transport enterprises. EOS IRNITU MOODLE
2. Technological design of transport enterprises [Electronic resource]: textbook / V. S. Kolchin, Z. V. Gorbunova, 2017. - 113 p. - KK No. E-04062.
3. Technological design of transport enterprises [Electronic resource]: guidelines for course design / Irkut. nat. research tech. un-t, 2017. - 34 p. - KK No. E-04063.
4. Technological design of transport enterprises [Electronic resource]: guidelines for practical exercises / Irkut. nat. research tech. un-t, 2017. - 47 p. - KK No. E-04064.