System and Service Organization at Service Enterprises

The ability to carry out activities outside the main professional sphere is formed.

The goal of mastering the discipline

Formation of the skill of structuring the information field and organizational and managerial decisions, the formation of knowledge in the field of studying the system and organizing services in the car service of transport and transport-technological machines.

The skills you get

  • Know the methods of organizing the production structure, production management, management personnel, organization of quality management, work with personnel, workflow in the field of planning and managing the operational activities of the organization and technical operation wheeled vehicles. Be able to find organizational and managerial solutions in non-standard situations, perform work in the field of production information maintenance, work on the basics of the organization of production and labor, on production management and metrological ensure production, use techniques and methods of working with personnel, quality assessment and productivity of staff. Possess the skills of analysis and evaluation of methodological approaches to the study of the organizational structure, methods of management and regulation, performance criteria in relation to specific types of wheeled vehicles funds.

Topics covered

  • 1. Car service - a subsystem of road transport. 2. Legal and regulatory framework for the technical service of wheeled vehicles. 3. Ensuring the operability of vehicles in operation. 4. Industrial and technical infrastructure of car service enterprises. 5. Appointment, classification and characteristics of technological equipment for technical service enterprises. 6. General characteristics of technological influences that ensure the performance of vehicles. 7. Organization of production activities at car service stations. 8. Marketing at car service stations. 9. Provision of car service enterprises with material and technical resources. 10. Fundamentals of technological design of car service stations.

When instructed

  • 3rd year, 2nd semester

List of references and sourses

1. Markov O. D. Car service: Market. Automobile. Client / O. D. Markov, 1999. - 270.
2. Car service management: textbook. allowance for transp. universities / L. B. Mirotin [and others], 2004. - 318.
3. Nosova E. V. Systems, technology and organization of services in the automotive service [Electronic resource]: textbook / E. V. Nosova, O. A. Svirbutovich, 2008. - 110. /viewer/view.php?file=/files/er-5410.pdf.
4. Kasprishin D. I. Culture of car service organization [Electronic resource]: textbook / D. I. Kasprishin, 2013. - 34. er-6275.pdf.
5. Svirbutovich O. A. System and organization of services in a car service [Electronic resource]: a textbook for students of the direction of preparation 190600 "Operation of transport-technological machines and complexes" / O. A. Svirbutovich, 2011. - 35. http://
6. Industrial and technical infrastructure of car service enterprises: a textbook for universities in the direction of training bachelors "Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes" (training profile "Automobile service") / N. I. Verevkin [and others]; ed. N. A. Davydova, 2015. - 398.