Physical chemistry

Physical chemistry is a science that combines fundamental knowledge of the basic laws of nature, represents the theoretical basis of technological processes and contributes to the formation of creative thinking, develops and deepens it.
In the education system, physical chemistry occupies one of the central places and serves as a theoretical basis for studying chemical phenomena in the technological processes of oil refining, metallurgy, enrichment, production of building materials and many others, determining ways to manage and intensify them. During the training , there is:
- expansion and deepening of knowledge of the theoretical foundations of the basic sections of physical chemistry;
- acquaintance with advanced and relevant areas of chemical science;
- consolidation of knowledge of the physical interpretation of mathematical conclusions on which modern physical chemistry is based;
-  obtaining knowledge, skills and competencies for successful professional activity and postgraduate study;
- preparation for participation in research of physico-chemical processes taking place in laboratory conditions;
- development of the ability to identify common patterns of chemical processes and the ability to use theoretical knowledge to solve applied problems of various technological processes to improve their efficiency and environmental cleanliness.

The goal of mastering the discipline

Formation of competencies in the field of physical chemistry.

The skills you get

  • He is able to carry out a critical analysis of problem situations based on a systematic approach, to develop a strategy of action
  • He is able to carry out a critical analysis of problem situations based on a systematic approach, to develop a strategy of action
  • Is able to assess the prospects of their practical application and continuation of work in the chosen field of chemistry, chemical technology or related sciences on the basis of a critical analysis of the results of research and development work
  • He is able to carry out pedagogical activities within the framework of higher, secondary vocational and additional education programs
  • Is able to carry out organizational and methodological support of the educational process according to the programs of higher, secondary vocational and additional education
  • Able to carry out educational work, as well as pedagogical support of socialization and professional self-determination of students

Topics covered

  • Equilibrium thermodynamics. Laws of thermodynamics. Physical transformations in individual substances. Gibbs stability theory. Minimum Gibbs energy. Thermodynamic description of mixtures. Phase diagrams. Chemical equilibrium. Chemical kinetics. Chemical transformations. Chemical reaction rate. Kinetic theories. Kinetic features of a heterogeneous process. Kinetics of complex reactions. Equilibrium electrochemistry. Theory of electrolytes. Transfer phenomena in electrolytes. Equilibrium at the electrode-solution (melt) boundary. Electrode polarization.

When instructed

  • 2nd year, 2nd semester

List of references and sourses

1. Stromberg A. G. Physical chemistry. : studies. for universities in chemical specialties / A. G. Stromberg, D. P. Semchenko, 2009. - 526 p.
2. Physical chemistry. Term papers [Electronic resource] : textbook for academic undergraduate studies / E. I. Stepanovskikh [et al.] ; under the scientific editorship of V. F. Markov; editorship of E. I. Stepanovskikh, 2018. - 185 p.

2. Physical chemistry. Term papers [Electronic resource] : textbook for academic undergraduate studies / E. I. Stepanovskikh [et al.] ; under the scientific editorship of V. F. Markov; editorship of E. I. Stepanovskikh, 2018. - 185 p.