Department of Mechanics and Strength of Materials

The courses taught by our department are the basis of general engineering training of specialists for construction industry, subsoil use, aircraft engineering and transport. Highly qualified professors and lecturers work at the department. Students of Bachelor's, Specialist's and Master's degree levels take courses connected with the laws of interaction of elements of mechanical systems, strength calculations of rod and plate structures for static and dynamic effects in linear and nonlinear formulation. and the basics of numerical methods for studying stress-strain state of structures. In the learning process are widely used software systems of engineering analysis. Laboratory classes are held with the use of modern testing equipment. Every year the department organizes student competitions. Master graduates of the department are widely demanded in companies, where information technologies are implemented in design and building constructions. Two postgraduate programs are opened to train academic staff. Let us mention high publication and scientific activity of the teachers at the department, as well as their participation in cultural and sport events at the university.

Key personnel

Educational programs

Training period
Training period
2 years
Training period
Training period
4 years

Research projects

  • Engineering analysis of deformable structures taking into account the real features of their behavior on the basis of the limit state equations
  • Automated Designing of Building Structures with Optimal Parameters
  • Theoretical substantiation of the regional norms of the building examination on the basis of the laser digital images of the structures microdynamic vibrations
  • Investigations in mechanics of deformable media in the field of elastic and plastic deformations
  • Control of the engineering objects design and construction processes on the basis of the informational models

Irkutsk Oil Company, LLC
One of the largest independent producers of hydrocarbons in Russia. It is engaged in geological exploration, prospecting and production of hydrocarbons in the fields and subsoil areas in Eastern Siberia — Irkutsk Region, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and Krasnoyarsk Territory
Siberian Design Institute
Siberian Design Institute is engaged in the design of heating systems, services of design organizations and architectural bureaus.