Department of Aircraft Engineering and Operation of Aviation Equipment

Since 1963 the Department of Aircraft Engineering and Operation of Aviation Equipment has been teaching students majoring in Technical Operation of Aircraft and Engines and Aircraft and Helicopter Engineering. Students of the Department have their practical training at the leading aviation enterprises of the Russian Federation: airlines companies, aircraft factories, design bureaus, airports, where they work with the latest models of aviation technology. While studying students are also involved in research and design activities. Together with the teaching staff our students address urgent and challenging issues of modern aviation industry, participate in scientific conferences and engineering competitions. INRTU put efforts to provide the most comfortable conditions in the labs and leisure areas for students to develop their communication skills and fulfil their potential in engineering and creativity. All this allows them to develop perspective thinking skills, consolidate knowledge and abilities, strengthen skills, and in whole to prepare skilled professionals. Students who have shown interest in research activities can continue their studies in full-time or part-time graduate programs at the university.

Key personnel

Teaching staff

Educational programs

Training period
Training period
6 years
Training period
4 years

Research projects

  • Automated Product Design Technologies;
  • Automated Assembly of Aircraft Products;
  • Optimization Design of Pipeline Systems;
  • Design of Advanced Aircraft and Manufacturing and Operation Technologies;
  • Airplane Parts Design Optimization by Strength;
  • Technologies for engineering analysis of advanced materials

New releases

Irkut Corporation, Irkutsk Aviation Plant (IAP)
It is one of the most modern and rapidly developing enterprises in the Russian machinery industry. Its capabilities allow it to perform the full cycle of operations, including design and technological preparation of new aircraft production, tooling manufacture, prototype and serial production, ground and flight testing, and after-sales service.

Outstanding graduates

Andrei Gromashev
ZAO AeroComposit / The Lead Engineer Technologist
graduate of 1984
Aleksandr Veprev
Irkutsk Aviation Plant / CEO
graduate of 1974