Yuri Davydenko
Associate Professor, Director of Marketing and Project Education:
Schools and Departments,
Siberian School of Geosciences (since 2020)
Research and Publications
Candidate of Sciences (PhD), Technical Sciences
Education, degrees
Geophysical Methods of Prospecting Mineral Deposits, Irkutsk State Technical University
Geology and Mineral Exploration, Irkutsk State Technical University
In total more than 70 scientific articles are published
1. Davydenko Yu.A., Ivanov S.A., Kudryavceva E.O., Legeydo P.Y., Veeken P.C.H. Geo-electric surveying, a useful tool for hydrocarbon exploration. 71-st EAGE conference & exhibition incorporating SPE Evropec 2009, Rome (9-12 june.2008). p. 53.
2. Davydenko Yu.A., Ivanov S.A., Kudryavceva E.O., Legeydo P.Y., Veeken P.C.H. Geo-electric analysis based on quantitative separation between electro-magnetic and induced polarization field response. Amsterdam (9-11 june.2009). p. 78.
3. Veeken P.C.H., Legeydo P.Y, Davydenko Yu.A., Ivanov S.A., Kudryavceva E.O., Chuvaev A.A. Benefits of the induced polarization geoelectric method to hydrocarbon exploration. Geophysics. 2009. V. 74, No 2. p. 47-58.
4. Veeken P.C.H., Legeydo P.Y., Pesterev I.Y., Davydenko Yu.A., Kudryavceva E.O., Ivanov S.A. Geoelectric modelling with separarion between electromagnetic and induced polarization field component. First break. 2009. V. 27. p. 53-64.
5. Veeken P.C.H., Davydenko Yu.A., Ivanov S.A., Garina., S.Y., Legeydo P.Y. Classification of induced polarisation anomalies using relaxation time attributes. 72nd EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2010, Barcelona, Spain, 14-17 June 2010, p. 72.
6. Ageenkov E.V., Davydenko Yu.A., Fomitskii V.A. Influence of the off-axis position of the transmitter and receiver circuits on the results of differentially normalized electromagnetic sounding. Russian Geology and Geophysics. 2012. V. 53. p. 116-121.
7. Davydenko Yu.A., Pesterev I.Yu., Taranyuk A.V. The possibility evaluation of HTEM techniques usage in deal with searching diamonds deposits taking into account induced polarization effects of permafrost rocks. 12th EAGE International Conference on Geoinformatics - Theoretical and Applied Aspects on May 13-16, 2013, Kiev.
8. Davydenko Yu.A., Davydenko A.Yu., Kupriyanov I.S., Pesterev I.Yu., Popkov P.A., Sleptsov S.V., Yakovlev S.V. The effect of integration of the robastny regression analysis with inversion for transition processes in a method of a median gradient when studying tubes of explosion on the Anabar board. Notes of Mining institute, St. Petersburg, 2013. T. 200. Page 28-33. (In Russian).
9. Shargorodskiy A.V., Davydenko Y.A., Nikulin S.V. Evaluation of the sensitivity and resolution of the aero-electromagnetic system DIP-4A made for uranium deposit model on Reagen Vitimsky plateau. GeoBaikal14 third international conference on exploration and field development in east Siberia 2014, Irkutsk 18-22 august.
10. Davydenko Y.A., Popkov P.A., Novopashina A.V. Perspectives of using the inductive component of transition process in traditional DC methods. Geophysical researches. 2015. T. 16, No. 4. Page 73-84. (In Russian).
11. Davydenko Yu.A., Bogdanovich D.V., Lavrentieva N.A., Abornev K.V., Bashkeev A.S., Shibeko E.A., Application of 3D modeling of transient electromagnetic fields during the electrical prospecting search of ore minerals mountain Altai. Integration of science and practice as mechanism of effective development of the geological industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan, International scientific and practical conference, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Part 1, 2016. - page 243-244 (In Russian).
12. Davidenko, Y.A., Persova, M.G., Popkov P.A., Novopashina A.V. The Use of 3D Approach for EMS-IP Technology Data Processing in Search of Kimberlite Pipes. Near Surface Geoscience 2016 - First Conference on Geophysics for Mineral Exploration and Mining.
13. Bukhalov, S.V., Davidenko, Y.A., Bogdanovich, D.V., Shibeko E.A., Shulga, V.V., Persova, M.G. The results of three-dimensional modeling of EMS-IP technology data in search for gold deposits in the Altai Mountains. GeoBaikal 2016 - 4th International Conference: From East Siberia to the Pacific - Geology, Exploration and Development. (In Russian).
14. Parshin, A.V., Davidenko, Y.A., Prosekin, S.N., Lavrentieva, N.A., Budyak, A.E. Express methodics of geoinformational processing of geophysical and low-quality geochemical data for prospecting of gold. GeoBaikal 2016 - 4th International Conference: From East Siberia to the Pacific - Geology, Exploration and Development (In Russian).
15. Vladimirov A.G., Mekhonoshin A.S., Khromykh S.V., Mikheev E.I., Travin A.V., Volkova N.I., Kolotilina T.B., Davydenko Yu.A., Borodina E.V., Khlestov V.V. Mechanisms of mantle-crust interaction at deep levels of collision orogens (case of the Olkhon region, West Pribaikalie). Geodynamics & Tectonopysics 4.12.16.
16. Parshin A.V., Auzina L.I., Prosekin S.N., Blinov A.V., Kosterev A.N., Lonshakov G.S. Usmanova A.M., Shestakov S.A., Davydenko Yu.A.. Geoinformation approach to assessment of resource prospects of the areas (on the example of fields of underground waters of Eastern Siberia). Geoinformatics - 2017. p. 11-20.
17. Davydenko A.Yu., Ayksheva N.A., Bukhalov S.V., Davydenko Yu.A.. Result of integration of data of pulse electroinvestigation and an aero magnetic exploration by search of underground waters in the south of Yakutia. Notes of Mining institute. 2017. T. 224. Page 156-162.
18. Davydenko Y., Bashkeev A., Iakovlev S., Pesterev I. and Roginsky K.. System of Electromagnetic Sounding Intended for a High Resolution Engineering Site Surveying on the Shallow Water. 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2019. Extended abstract.
19. Bashkeev A.S., Davidenko Y.A., Abornev K.V., Bukhalov S.V. and Iakovlev S.V. Some Technological Aspects of Start-Stop Electromagnetic Soundings in the Transition Zone of the Shelf Marine Technologies 2019 (EAGE). Extended abstract (in Russian).
20. Tyrzhanov A.A., Davydenko Y.A., Bashkeev A.S., Bukhalov S.V., Shishmarev R.A. and Kovalsky Y.F. Approbation of the Ems-Ip Technology for the Kimberlite Pipe Exploration in Conditions of A Wide Manifestation of Double Induced Polarization Effects on the Baytakhsky Area. Engineering and Mining Geophysics 2019 15th Conference and Exhibition (EAGE). Extended abstract (in Russian).
21. Bukhalov S.V., Davydenko Y.A., Bashkeev A.S. and Abornev K.V. The Research Ore Body'S Geoelectric Properties In-Situ with System Ems-Ip. Engineering and Mining Geophysics 2019 15th Conference and Exhibition (EAGE). Extended abstract (in Russian).
22. Belova A.Y., Gurevich D.V., Bogdanovich D.V., Aikasheva N.A., Bashkeev A.S., Bukhalov S.V. and Davidenko Y.A.. Search for Concealed Copper-Molybdenum Mineralization in Northern Kazakhstan with the Help of Electromagnetic Sounding Technologies and Induced Polarization (Ems-Ip). Engineering and Mining Geophysics 2019 15th Conference and Exhibition (EAGE). Extended abstract (in Russian).
23. Shkirya M., Davidenko Y., Bogdanovich D., Bukhalov S., Belova A. and Bashkeev A. Investigation of the Effects of Induced Polarization over the Hydrocarbons Deposit in the South of Yakutia. 24th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (EAGE). Extended abstract (in Russian).
24. P.C.H. Veeken. A. Kashubin, D. Curia, Y. Davydenko, I.I. Priezzhev From data conditioning, depth imaging and reservoir characterization to machine learning. First Break: Machine Learning - 2020 - Volume 38, Issue 6, Jun 2020 - p 71 - 77.
25. A.Y. Belova, M.S. Shkirya, Y.A. Davydenko and A.S. Bashkeev Some Methodological Aspects of the Application of Electromagnetic Sounding Technology and Induced Polarization at the Verkhnekamsk Deposit of Potash and Magnesium Salts. EAGE Engineering and Mining Geophysics 2020. - Volume 2020, p.1 - 9.
26. Y.A. Davydenko, D.A. Skrypnichenko, S.V. Snopkov and A.Y. Davydenko Geophysical Research Results of Archaeological Sites on The Site of Barun-Hal II in The Baikal Region. EAGE GeoBaikal 2020.- Volume 2020, p.1- 5.
27. M.S. Shkirya, D.V. Gurevich, S.A. Tereshkin, A.Y. Belova and Y.A. Davydenko. Application of Pulsed Electric Prospecting for Allocation of Zones of Sulfide Mineralization of Copper-Porphyry Type in the Territory of Northern. EAGE GeoBaikal 2020. - Volume 2020, p.1 - 5.
28. A.V. Parshin. Y.A. Davidenko, A.S. Bashkeev and S.V. Bukhalov. Two UAV-based electromagnetic systems for the formation of a complete set of low-altitude UAS-geophysical methods. Second EAGE Workhop on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. - 2020 - Volume 2020, p.1 - 4.
29. A. Belova, Y. Davydenko, D. Gurevich, A. Bashkeev, S. Bukhalov and P. Veeken Mineral prospecting for copper-molybdene ores in northern Kazakhstan using electromagnetic sensing and induced polarization technology (EMS-IP). 82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition Workshop Programme. - 2020 - Volume 2020, p.1 - 5.
30. P.C.H. Veeken, A. Kashubin, Y. Davydenko, I.I. Priezzhev An integrated workflow from data conditioning, depth imaging, reservoir characterization to machine learnings. 82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition Workshop Programme. - 2020 - Volume 2020, p.1 - 14.
1. Davydenko Yu.A., Ivanov S.A., Kudryavceva E.O., Legeydo P.Y., Veeken P.C.H. Geo-electric surveying, a useful tool for hydrocarbon exploration. 71-st EAGE conference & exhibition incorporating SPE Evropec 2009, Rome (9-12 june.2008). p. 53.
2. Davydenko Yu.A., Ivanov S.A., Kudryavceva E.O., Legeydo P.Y., Veeken P.C.H. Geo-electric analysis based on quantitative separation between electro-magnetic and induced polarization field response. Amsterdam (9-11 june.2009). p. 78.
3. Veeken P.C.H., Legeydo P.Y, Davydenko Yu.A., Ivanov S.A., Kudryavceva E.O., Chuvaev A.A. Benefits of the induced polarization geoelectric method to hydrocarbon exploration. Geophysics. 2009. V. 74, No 2. p. 47-58.
4. Veeken P.C.H., Legeydo P.Y., Pesterev I.Y., Davydenko Yu.A., Kudryavceva E.O., Ivanov S.A. Geoelectric modelling with separarion between electromagnetic and induced polarization field component. First break. 2009. V. 27. p. 53-64.
5. Veeken P.C.H., Davydenko Yu.A., Ivanov S.A., Garina., S.Y., Legeydo P.Y. Classification of induced polarisation anomalies using relaxation time attributes. 72nd EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2010, Barcelona, Spain, 14-17 June 2010, p. 72.
6. Ageenkov E.V., Davydenko Yu.A., Fomitskii V.A. Influence of the off-axis position of the transmitter and receiver circuits on the results of differentially normalized electromagnetic sounding. Russian Geology and Geophysics. 2012. V. 53. p. 116-121.
7. Davydenko Yu.A., Pesterev I.Yu., Taranyuk A.V. The possibility evaluation of HTEM techniques usage in deal with searching diamonds deposits taking into account induced polarization effects of permafrost rocks. 12th EAGE International Conference on Geoinformatics - Theoretical and Applied Aspects on May 13-16, 2013, Kiev.
8. Davydenko Yu.A., Davydenko A.Yu., Kupriyanov I.S., Pesterev I.Yu., Popkov P.A., Sleptsov S.V., Yakovlev S.V. The effect of integration of the robastny regression analysis with inversion for transition processes in a method of a median gradient when studying tubes of explosion on the Anabar board. Notes of Mining institute, St. Petersburg, 2013. T. 200. Page 28-33. (In Russian).
9. Shargorodskiy A.V., Davydenko Y.A., Nikulin S.V. Evaluation of the sensitivity and resolution of the aero-electromagnetic system DIP-4A made for uranium deposit model on Reagen Vitimsky plateau. GeoBaikal14 third international conference on exploration and field development in east Siberia 2014, Irkutsk 18-22 august.
10. Davydenko Y.A., Popkov P.A., Novopashina A.V. Perspectives of using the inductive component of transition process in traditional DC methods. Geophysical researches. 2015. T. 16, No. 4. Page 73-84. (In Russian).
11. Davydenko Yu.A., Bogdanovich D.V., Lavrentieva N.A., Abornev K.V., Bashkeev A.S., Shibeko E.A., Application of 3D modeling of transient electromagnetic fields during the electrical prospecting search of ore minerals mountain Altai. Integration of science and practice as mechanism of effective development of the geological industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan, International scientific and practical conference, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Part 1, 2016. - page 243-244 (In Russian).
12. Davidenko, Y.A., Persova, M.G., Popkov P.A., Novopashina A.V. The Use of 3D Approach for EMS-IP Technology Data Processing in Search of Kimberlite Pipes. Near Surface Geoscience 2016 - First Conference on Geophysics for Mineral Exploration and Mining.
13. Bukhalov, S.V., Davidenko, Y.A., Bogdanovich, D.V., Shibeko E.A., Shulga, V.V., Persova, M.G. The results of three-dimensional modeling of EMS-IP technology data in search for gold deposits in the Altai Mountains. GeoBaikal 2016 - 4th International Conference: From East Siberia to the Pacific - Geology, Exploration and Development. (In Russian).
14. Parshin, A.V., Davidenko, Y.A., Prosekin, S.N., Lavrentieva, N.A., Budyak, A.E. Express methodics of geoinformational processing of geophysical and low-quality geochemical data for prospecting of gold. GeoBaikal 2016 - 4th International Conference: From East Siberia to the Pacific - Geology, Exploration and Development (In Russian).
15. Vladimirov A.G., Mekhonoshin A.S., Khromykh S.V., Mikheev E.I., Travin A.V., Volkova N.I., Kolotilina T.B., Davydenko Yu.A., Borodina E.V., Khlestov V.V. Mechanisms of mantle-crust interaction at deep levels of collision orogens (case of the Olkhon region, West Pribaikalie). Geodynamics & Tectonopysics 4.12.16.
16. Parshin A.V., Auzina L.I., Prosekin S.N., Blinov A.V., Kosterev A.N., Lonshakov G.S. Usmanova A.M., Shestakov S.A., Davydenko Yu.A.. Geoinformation approach to assessment of resource prospects of the areas (on the example of fields of underground waters of Eastern Siberia). Geoinformatics - 2017. p. 11-20.
17. Davydenko A.Yu., Ayksheva N.A., Bukhalov S.V., Davydenko Yu.A.. Result of integration of data of pulse electroinvestigation and an aero magnetic exploration by search of underground waters in the south of Yakutia. Notes of Mining institute. 2017. T. 224. Page 156-162.
18. Davydenko Y., Bashkeev A., Iakovlev S., Pesterev I. and Roginsky K.. System of Electromagnetic Sounding Intended for a High Resolution Engineering Site Surveying on the Shallow Water. 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2019. Extended abstract.
19. Bashkeev A.S., Davidenko Y.A., Abornev K.V., Bukhalov S.V. and Iakovlev S.V. Some Technological Aspects of Start-Stop Electromagnetic Soundings in the Transition Zone of the Shelf Marine Technologies 2019 (EAGE). Extended abstract (in Russian).
20. Tyrzhanov A.A., Davydenko Y.A., Bashkeev A.S., Bukhalov S.V., Shishmarev R.A. and Kovalsky Y.F. Approbation of the Ems-Ip Technology for the Kimberlite Pipe Exploration in Conditions of A Wide Manifestation of Double Induced Polarization Effects on the Baytakhsky Area. Engineering and Mining Geophysics 2019 15th Conference and Exhibition (EAGE). Extended abstract (in Russian).
21. Bukhalov S.V., Davydenko Y.A., Bashkeev A.S. and Abornev K.V. The Research Ore Body'S Geoelectric Properties In-Situ with System Ems-Ip. Engineering and Mining Geophysics 2019 15th Conference and Exhibition (EAGE). Extended abstract (in Russian).
22. Belova A.Y., Gurevich D.V., Bogdanovich D.V., Aikasheva N.A., Bashkeev A.S., Bukhalov S.V. and Davidenko Y.A.. Search for Concealed Copper-Molybdenum Mineralization in Northern Kazakhstan with the Help of Electromagnetic Sounding Technologies and Induced Polarization (Ems-Ip). Engineering and Mining Geophysics 2019 15th Conference and Exhibition (EAGE). Extended abstract (in Russian).
23. Shkirya M., Davidenko Y., Bogdanovich D., Bukhalov S., Belova A. and Bashkeev A. Investigation of the Effects of Induced Polarization over the Hydrocarbons Deposit in the South of Yakutia. 24th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (EAGE). Extended abstract (in Russian).
24. P.C.H. Veeken. A. Kashubin, D. Curia, Y. Davydenko, I.I. Priezzhev From data conditioning, depth imaging and reservoir characterization to machine learning. First Break: Machine Learning - 2020 - Volume 38, Issue 6, Jun 2020 - p 71 - 77.
25. A.Y. Belova, M.S. Shkirya, Y.A. Davydenko and A.S. Bashkeev Some Methodological Aspects of the Application of Electromagnetic Sounding Technology and Induced Polarization at the Verkhnekamsk Deposit of Potash and Magnesium Salts. EAGE Engineering and Mining Geophysics 2020. - Volume 2020, p.1 - 9.
26. Y.A. Davydenko, D.A. Skrypnichenko, S.V. Snopkov and A.Y. Davydenko Geophysical Research Results of Archaeological Sites on The Site of Barun-Hal II in The Baikal Region. EAGE GeoBaikal 2020.- Volume 2020, p.1- 5.
27. M.S. Shkirya, D.V. Gurevich, S.A. Tereshkin, A.Y. Belova and Y.A. Davydenko. Application of Pulsed Electric Prospecting for Allocation of Zones of Sulfide Mineralization of Copper-Porphyry Type in the Territory of Northern. EAGE GeoBaikal 2020. - Volume 2020, p.1 - 5.
28. A.V. Parshin. Y.A. Davidenko, A.S. Bashkeev and S.V. Bukhalov. Two UAV-based electromagnetic systems for the formation of a complete set of low-altitude UAS-geophysical methods. Second EAGE Workhop on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. - 2020 - Volume 2020, p.1 - 4.
29. A. Belova, Y. Davydenko, D. Gurevich, A. Bashkeev, S. Bukhalov and P. Veeken Mineral prospecting for copper-molybdene ores in northern Kazakhstan using electromagnetic sensing and induced polarization technology (EMS-IP). 82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition Workshop Programme. - 2020 - Volume 2020, p.1 - 5.
30. P.C.H. Veeken, A. Kashubin, Y. Davydenko, I.I. Priezzhev An integrated workflow from data conditioning, depth imaging, reservoir characterization to machine learnings. 82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition Workshop Programme. - 2020 - Volume 2020, p.1 - 14.