

Doctor of Sciences, Physical and Mathematical Sciences


Education, degrees
Physicist, Irkutsk State University


1. Acceleration of ions in a current sheet with magnetic islands. Physics Letters A. 1988. V. 129, No. 5,6. P. 326.
2. Laboratory experiments on Solar flare energy release. Adv. Space Research. 1990. V. 10, No. 9. P. 973.
3. Ion acceleration in a quasi-neutral current sheet. Planetary and Space Science. 1990. V. 38, No. 6. P. 751.
4. Ion heating and energy redistribution in a collisionless shock wave. Sov. Phys. JETP. 1985. V. 61, No. 6. P. 1187.
5. Electron acceleration in the ion-ion interaction region ahead of a shock front. Physics Letters A. 1996. V. 211. P. 228.
6. Relaxation of the shock wave reflected ion beam, and generation of  hot electros. JGR. 1998. V. 103, No. A9. P. 20541.
7. Mass Separation of Ions in a Circular Plasma Flow. Technical Physics Letters. 2010. V. 36, No. 2. P. 185.
8. Advances and Problems in Plasma-Optical Mass-Separation. Physics of Plasmas, 2014. V. 21, No. 3, 033505.
9. Peculiarities of measuring ion energy distribution in plasma with a retarding field analyzer. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2015. V. 86, 053501.
10. Results of the Main Phase of Ion Separation in the Process of Plasma-Optical Mass Separation. Plasma Science and Technology, 2015. V. 17. No. 10. P. 862.
11. Super-acceleration of ions in a stationary plasma discharge. Physics Letters A, 2016. V. 380, Issue 42. P. 3497.
12. Anomalous acceleration of ions in a plasma accelerator with an anodic layer. Plasma Science and Technology, 2018. V. 20. No. 3. 035501.
13. On performance capacity of plasma optical mass separator. Physics of Plasmas, 2018. V. 25. 083509.
14. Development of Idea of Plasma-Optical Mass Separation. Plasma Physics Reports, 2019. V. 45, No. 1. P. 46.
15. Jumping the anode layer in the zone of the ExB discharge. Physics of Plasmas, 2019. V. 26.   No. 7. 073501.
16. Tandem analyzer of plasma flow ions by energy, mass and charges. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019. V. 1393. 012060.
17. A New Ion Analyzer by Energy, Mass, and Charge Using a Combination of a Wien Linear Filter and an Energy Analyzer with a Retarding Potential. Technical Physics Letters, 2020. V. 46, No. 5. P. 466.
18. Plasma Passage through the Magnetic Barrier of a Plasma-Optical Mass Separator. Plasma Physics Reports, 2020, Vol. 46, No. 11, P. 1059.
19. An Ion Source for a Plasma-Optic Mass Separator. Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 2018, Vol. 61, No. 4, P. 538.
20. Study on plasma sheath and plasma transport properties in the azimuthator. Plasma Science and Technology, Vol. 20, No. 4. 045501.
ResearcherID: A-7763-2014
Scopus AuthorID: 6505922028