

Education, degrees
Journalist, Irkutsk State University
Continuing education
Graduate school, Irkutsk State Technical University


Gratitude for the good preparation of Russian students for Internet testing; Letters of thanks for active work in the expert council of the Regional Intellectual Competitions "Step into the Future" and "Step into the Future, Junior!" Letter of thanks for active work as part of the expert commission of the scientific and practical conference for students of the Moscow State Educational Institution "Eureka." Letter of thanks for active participation in the inter-university Olympiad for foreign students/


"The place and role of the Irkutsk Diocesan Gazette in the public life of eastern Siberia (second half of the XIX - beginning of the XX century) (scientific article); "Road rinks. Theory, calculation, application, "(monograph, 328 pages); "Developing a generalized (polyscientific) concept of a recognition evolution" (scientific paper, 32 pages); "On the border of the eras. Reflections on the need to prepare the consciousness of a new person, the basis of the future of mankind, "(20 pages) (scientific article); "On the question of the nature of consciousness (consciousness from the point of view of science and the need for a new approach to its interpretation)" (scientific article); "Metaphor as a tool and result of scientific knowledge" (scientific article); "Once again about... image" (scientific article), etc.
SPIN-RSCI: 7249-4810