Ilya Kazimirov
Research and Publications
Education, degrees
Industrial and civil construction, Irkutsk State Technical University
Professional Interests
Analysis of the most efficient use of real estate and their evaluation
Program: New Technologies in Land Management and Cadastres (Master's degree)
Department: Department of Valuation and Property Management
Program: New Technologies in Land Management and Cadastres (Master's degree)
Department: Department of Valuation and Property Management
Business valuation
Program: Property survey and management (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Valuation and Property Management
Program: Property survey and management (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Valuation and Property Management
Evaluation of urban planning objects
Program: Real-estate cadastre (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Valuation and Property Management
Program: Real-estate cadastre (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Valuation and Property Management
Forensic valuation expertise of real estate objects
Program: Forensic Structural Engineering and Cost Expertise (Master's degree)
Department: Department of Valuation and Property Management
Program: Forensic Structural Engineering and Cost Expertise (Master's degree)
Department: Department of Valuation and Property Management
Methods of analysis, forecasting, planning and use of real estate
Program: New Technologies in Land Management and Cadastres (Master's degree)
Department: Department of Valuation and Property Management
Program: New Technologies in Land Management and Cadastres (Master's degree)
Department: Department of Valuation and Property Management
Kazimirov I.A., Peshkov V.V. Determination of price behaviour in the secondary residential real estate market using a multidimensional regression model. Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate (http://journals.istu.edu/izvestia_invest/journals/2019/30/articles/01)
Kazimirov IA, Oscherin LA, Sakhiltarova SV. Development and research of multisized regressive models of second hand market of residential real estate. Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate (http://journals.istu.edu/izvestia_invest/journals/2017/23/articles/07)
I.A. Kazimirov, L.A. Oshcherin. Research of Ircutsk secondary residential real estate market prices dependence from world oil prices. Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate (http://journals.istu.edu/izvestia_invest/journals/2016/17/articles/06)
I.A. Kazimirov. About the possibility to use ADS 'Real estate market monitoring' of Federal service for state registration, cadastre and cartography in order to analyse the market of residential real estate in Irkutsk. Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate (http://journals.istu.edu/izvestia_invest/journals/2015/14/articles/05)
I.A. Kazimirov, L.A. Oshcherin. Features of real estate msrket supply information processing. Proceedings of Irkutsk State Technical University (http://journals.istu.edu/vestnik_irgtu/journals/2015/11/articles/33)
I.A. Kazimirov. Problems of creation and primary filling of deals and offers database on the real estate market. Proceedings of Irkutsk State Technical University (http://journals.istu.edu/vestnik_irgtu/journals/2014/12/articles/53)
Kazimirov I.A., Peshkov V.V. Determination of price behaviour in the secondary residential real estate market using a multidimensional regression model. Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate (http://journals.istu.edu/izvestia_invest/journals/2019/30/articles/01)
Kazimirov IA, Oscherin LA, Sakhiltarova SV. Development and research of multisized regressive models of second hand market of residential real estate. Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate (http://journals.istu.edu/izvestia_invest/journals/2017/23/articles/07)
I.A. Kazimirov, L.A. Oshcherin. Research of Ircutsk secondary residential real estate market prices dependence from world oil prices. Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate (http://journals.istu.edu/izvestia_invest/journals/2016/17/articles/06)
I.A. Kazimirov. About the possibility to use ADS 'Real estate market monitoring' of Federal service for state registration, cadastre and cartography in order to analyse the market of residential real estate in Irkutsk. Proceedings of Universities. Investment. Construction. Real estate (http://journals.istu.edu/izvestia_invest/journals/2015/14/articles/05)
I.A. Kazimirov, L.A. Oshcherin. Features of real estate msrket supply information processing. Proceedings of Irkutsk State Technical University (http://journals.istu.edu/vestnik_irgtu/journals/2015/11/articles/33)
I.A. Kazimirov. Problems of creation and primary filling of deals and offers database on the real estate market. Proceedings of Irkutsk State Technical University (http://journals.istu.edu/vestnik_irgtu/journals/2014/12/articles/53)